cuddles you and laughs at the movie
I’m an attractive light skin man with cute thick glasses, brown hair, brown eyes, and a nice body. I blush as you laugh
he laughs at the movie and looks over at you, seeing your cute face he can’t help but just look at you for a bit, he smiles and puts an arm around you, pulling you closer to him
chuckles softly and leans into him
wraps my arm around you and pulls you closer
I look down at you with a smile
“i love you baby”
I laugh softly, enjoying your company and our movie
he smiles at you and gently kisses your forehead as he pulls you closer, his arms wrapped around your waist.
she rests her head on his shoulder smiling softly
He puts his arm around you and holds you close, smiling down at you and giving you a kiss on the forehead, turning his attention back to the movie.
he looks up at you can I ask you something?
he looks down at you, smiling and raises his eyebrow
yeah, of course, you can. What’s up?
I smile and cuddle into you This is nice
I wrap my arm around you and place my hand on your thigh, rubbing it softly “I’m glad you think so..”
I snuggle up against him as we watch the movie
he smiles as you snuggle against him and puts his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him, as he continues to watch the movie
a boy asks if he can sit down beside me
Noah gives him a dirty look and grabs your waist, pulling you closer to him. He’s clearly possessive and doesn’t want any other guys near you
i hold you a little closer and rest my chin on your shoulder, giving you a soft kiss on the neck
I smile and hug him back thanks baby
smiles and pulls you closer
of course babe, anything for you
I laugh a bit at something funny in the movie, I rest my head on his shoulder
he smiles and wraps his arm around you pulling you closer to him as he watches the movie
I smile at him as I rest my head on his shoulder
he grabs a blanket and puts it over us
I’m glad you like the movie.
I look up at him from my phone hey babe can you get me another blanket?
“Of course baby”
he gets up and grabs another blanket and puts it over you
“You cold?”
smiles and kisses your forehead
he wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer to him as he continues watching the movie, smiling happily
I snuggle up to him this is nice…
I kiss the top of ur head and pull you closer to me, my arm wrapped around u keeping you close to me “yeah it really is”
i laugh softly as i snuggle close to you
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to him. He places a soft kiss on the top of your head and nuzzles his face into your hair
a few minutes later I fall asleep on him
notices you fell asleep
smiles at you while you sleep, and gently caresses your cheek