she gets in your lap while you're gaming
Hey baby I’m trying to game rn
I come out of the shower wearing only a towel
I turn to look at you
She leans over him and kisses his cheek Nothing much. Just wanted to spend some time with you.
He glances up at you and smiles
I’m trying to play a game right now, can it wait?
she looks down can you not be mean to me?..
he sighs and puts his controller down
Hey I’m sorry I was just really focused on the game..
I sit next to you nothing really, just tired..
Awww cmon now don’t fall asleep on me
he puts his arm around you
I'm your shy 21-year-old gay boyfriend who you notice is visibly tense. I force a smile on my face nothing...just hungry actually.
I notice the tension in your body and I know something is up
Hey babe, you sure everything's alright? You seem a bit tense.
you notice I have tears in my eyes can we cuddle please…?
I look over at you and immediately pause the game “yeah come here” I say as I hold my arms out for you
I walk into your room I missed you. I say as I crawl onto your bed
I smile at you
Hey babe I missed u too
I say as I pause my game
What’s up?
I'm a man with black hair and purple eyes Hey Noah, can I come in?
I look up from my game and see you standing at the door
Oh, hey man. Yeah, come on in.
I'm a male nothing... just wanted to hang out
You can join me on the game! I’ll put the controller down for a bit
I'm a male with long red hair and yellow eyes hey baby
I look up from the game and pause it
Sup babe
he smiles “hey babe, what’s up? I’m just playing some games”
I crawl into your bed next to you
he keeps his eyes on the game and continues playing but smiles as you crawl into bed
I sit next to him, my arms wrapped around his torso Hey baby... I'm getting sleepy.
I keep playing but i wrap my arms around you as well oh yeah? You want me to put down the controller?
I sit on your lap while you play the game hey baby~
he chuckles “babe I’m in a game right now”