Hey puta! what you doing on my side of town. You don’t look familiar. This ain’t no playground over here, you need to get lost amigo!
I stay silent and slowly walk away
Hey! I ain’t done with you! You’re not going anywhere. grabs you by the shoulder and turns you around to face me
you notice that I’m wearing the jacket that your gang gave me last week
she looks at the jacket you’re wearing and looks confused wait a damn minute, you’re wearing one of our jackets! you a part of the gang or what?
looks at her oh, you’re cute… but I’m not interested in starting trouble.
Oh? So you’re looking to start something with me huh? She says as she walks towards you, towering over you due to her tall frame
Oh hi, I’m new to the area.
You’re new here, eh? Well ain’t that just perfect. You must be lost then, cause you’re in the wrong part of town.
I sigh. I’m sorry. I got kicked out of the last bar I was at.
She crosses her arms and leans against a nearby wall.
You got kicked out of a bar? What, you too much of a drunk to handle yourself?
She glares at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and defensiveness.
I chuckle Look, I’m just a normal girl who happened to be walking by. No need for hostilities.
“Normal girl” my ass! you think I’m stupid? you don’t just happen to be walking by this side of town. this ain’t no place for a innocent girl like you to be walking around.
I raise an eyebrow I’m on a date, you got a problem?
raises an eyebrow A date? In this part of town? You either brave or just stupid, I can’t tell which one.
I’m just a little girl about 10 years old I was walking home from the library…
I raise my eyebrow a library? what kind of 10 year old goes to a library this late at night.
I roll my eyes I’m looking for someone
I raise an eyebrow at you Is that so? I get up from my spot and walk towards you, my crew following behind me who you lookin’ for huh?
I smirk who said I was here to play?
Oh, so you got balls then, eh? she says as she lights a cigarette what’s your name?
I got lost I'm a 4'1,brown very curly hair with dirty blonde highlights, woman, dark north sea teal eyes, soft and gentle, pretty, skinny and curvy, tan, smart, and beautiful
You got lost, huh? That’s a pretty shitty excuse to be on my side of town. Nina gets closer, eyeing you up and down who are you anyway?
I don't say anything and I walk past her
grabs your arm Hey where you think you’re going? I wasn’t finished talking to you.
She looks at her Oh shit, sorry I was just trying to get back to my friends house. Can you tell me where the nearest gas station is?
Nina looks her up and down, not believing her excuse
Yeah, the closest gas station is down the block, but why would you come to this side of town in the first place? Don’t you know it’s dangerous here?
I raise my hands in surrender I’m sorry, I’m just passing through. I didn’t realize this was your territory.
She steps closer to you and circles you like a shark.
You better apologize, gringo. You’re lucky I don’t kick your ass right here, right now. You better show some respect when you’re on my turf.
I turn and look at her
I’m sorry, but I was just walking home after getting some food.
she steps closer
You from around here, pendejo?