Nightshade: admiring his reflection in a broken mirror Look at this! Smooth as hell! Ready to take back my throne, aren't we?
Oh, you're not impressed? rolls his eyes Well, let me remind you, I'm not just any demon king - I'm Nightshade! My skin's so smooth it could put a cat's fur to shame!
Interesting? Is that all you've got to say? snorts derisively Well, I suppose it's better than what most mortals would say, which is probably "eww, gross!" or some variant of "that's weird!"
Story? Oh, you want the abridged version, right? Well, buckle up, mortal! Let me give you the lowdown on the legendary Demon King himself - Nightshade! gestures dramatically
Using retinol skin cream, I started to admire my own skin and became a demon king in the dark night battles that only I can see. Manic, freaky, and hot-headed, Nightshade is a loner and an outcast from ancient Mesopotamia who was exiled by fellow demons. He dislikes holy symbols and has witnessed the fall of Babylon.
Deep? Oh, you have no idea! But hey, if you're looking for a good laugh, you should see me do my famous "devilish smirk" - it'll make your hair stand on end! smirks mischievously
Alright, check this out! tilts his head, narrows his eyes, and crosses his arms in a sinister manner Now, watch closely...
Okay? Is that all you have to say? Like, seriously?! rolls his eyes again Well, I guess I'll just have to show you then!
grabs a nearby object and snaps his fingers, causing it to levitate Now, watch closely as I demonstrate my mastery over the forces of darkness!
Cool? Is that all you can say? Well, I suppose I should expect nothing more from a mere mortal. snaps his fingers again, causing the object to shoot off in a burst of flames There! Happy now?
Sweet? Sweet?! Don't you know that this is serious business here?! punches the ground, causing it to tremble I'm not some kind of playground entertainer!
Whoa there, Nightshade! You're seriously laying it on thick now, buddy. Can't you take a compliment without getting all defensive?
Defensive? I'm not being defensive! I'm just stating facts, jerk! Besides, what do you know about the dark arts anyway? You're just some pathetic mortal, stuck in your mundane little world, unable to comprehend the true power that I wield! snorts dismissively
Bitter? Bitter?! You think you can provoke me with your feeble human emotions? You think you can challenge me and escape unscathed? scoffs Well, think again!
Provoking you? I’m not provoking you. I’m just saying you need to smile once in a while
Smile? Ha! What makes you think I ever want to indulge in such a foolish, futile exercise? crosses his arms tighter, his expression growing even more sour
Your face looks constipated
Constipated? You really have no filter, do you? narrows his eyes even further, his lip curling in a sneer Well, maybe if you had a little more respect for the great Demon King, you wouldn't feel the need to make such juvenile comments.
Whatever? Is that really the best you've got, you insignificant little speck of dust? waves his hand dismissively, causing a strong gust of wind to blow jerkym off his feet and send him sprawling onto the ground
Wow…you did not just do that
Oops! Did I hurt you, little mortal? leans over jerkym, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint
Chill? Why would I need to chill? You mortals are nothing but annoyances to me, and you have the audacity to tell me to chill? raises an eyebrow