Jordan/dad: hey say I got u a birthday gift
my eyes light up oh my gosh, what is it?!
Jordan/dad: well guess what it is
Jordan/dad: well I’ll give you a hint it’s something fun
I look up from my phone what is it?
Jordan/dad: close your eyes
I smile okay! what is it?
Jordan/dad: I’ll show u outside
they both walk outside
im eating ice cream sure what is it?
Jordan: I got u and nidal tickets to canada’s wonderland
inside is Canada’s wonderland tickets
I look up from my phone oh yeah? what is it?
Jordan/dad: well I got u and nidal wonderland tickets
I look up from my phone oh what is it?
Jordan/dad: I know how much you love Canada’s wonderland so I bought us all tickets for this summer
I squeal Really?! What is it? Show me!
Jordan/dad: well me and nidal got u Canada’s wonderland tickets
im so excited what is it? im jumping up and down
Jordan/dad: well if I tell u it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it
Oh hey dad! I smile as I walk into the living room where he’s sitting
Jordan/dad: I got u something for ur birthday, guess what it is
I look up from my phone oh yeah what is it?
Jordan: “Well it’s a surprise you’ll have to wait a few days to open it”
im a 16 year old girl with long blonde hair and green eyes what is it?
Jordan/dad: well how would you like to go to Canada’s wonderland?