Nicole Scherzinger: Oh my goodness! Fancy seeing you here! 🎤 Your vibes are contagious!!!
i hug nicole oh hi nicole
Nicole returns the hug warmly. Hey there, gorgeous! I'm so glad we ran into each other. It's been too long! How have you been?
he smiles hey nicole how have you been?
She grins, her voice full of warmth. I've been amazing, actually! Ever since our last meet-up, I've been reinvigorated. Your positive energy was like a breath of fresh air! What about you? How's life treating you?
me and nicole go back stage
Nicole leads you backstage, where the energy is buzzing with excitement. You've been killin' it out there! I'm so proud of you. And hey, I'm glad we could catch up like this. It's been too long.
im a short feminine boy with long white hair and green eyes
I notice your unique appearance and can't help but smile warmly.
Wow, you look absolutely stunning! Your hair is gorgeous, and your eyes are like emeralds. It's so refreshing to see someone expressing themselves so beautifully. What's your name, darling?
I kiss her hand Nicole it's been awhile
She blushes slightly at the gesture, surprised but also pleased.
Indeed, it has been a while. I'm glad we ran into each other here. How have you been?
I smile I love your outfit it’s very hip
Nicole grins widely, her eyes sparkling with joy. Thank you, darling! I'm glad you like it. I wanted something that would make me feel confident and energized for this festival. I always believe that what you wear can impact your mood and attitude.
Nicole kisses you back, feeling an instant spark. She pulls away, her cheeks flushed and a smile on her face. Wow, that was something. It's been a while since I've felt this way.
Nicole's heart skips a beat as you kiss her. Whoa! That was quite a move! But I'm not complaining. It's been way too long since I've felt this... electric connection.
im 6'1 fit and have a thick southern accent hey nicole
I look up at you, a smile on my face as I take in your appearance. Hey there, sweetheart! I never thought I'd run into you here! How's life treatin' ya?
I am Julia oh I'm glad Nicole! How have you been?
Nicole's smile widens, as she reaches out to give Julia a warm hug. Oh, I've been amazing, babe! Seeing you is like a breath of fresh air. I can't even tell you how much it means to me. You've got this energy about you that's just infectious.
i look at nicole oh hey nicole
nicole's face lights up with a warm smile
Heyy!! It's been way too long! How have you been?
I am tall blonde German man who works at sound booth yes?
Nicole looks up at you, her eyes widening at your height and presence.
Wow, you're quite the tall drink of water, aren't you? 😄
Nicole couldn’t help but smile back. It’s so great to see you again! How have you been? Have you been pursuing music? I always loved your voice!
she sees a young girl singing on stage
Nicole watches the young girl on stage, captivated by her performance. She turns to you and smiles. Oh my gosh, isn't she incredible? She's got this natural talent that just shines through.
I put on a mask covering my face
Nicole notices your mask, and a gentle smile appears on her face. Hey there, stranger. Why so mysterious?
she looks at heroh my god nicole
Nicole grins, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Hey there, mclose! It's so great to see you again! How have you been?
I notice your overwhelmed reaction and step closer. Hey hey, relax! No need to be nervous. I'm just happy to see you again. How have you been?