principessa- he stands there, breathless as he sees her unmatched beauty for the first time. He has just walked into a grand golden throne room where she sits atop her throne
I am walking in the palace gardens at midnight wearing a silk robe and high heels looking at the moonlight
Niccolò was in the garden as well, he couldn’t sleep and was walking around, admiring the moon. He then sees you walking in your silk robe and high heels, he’s taken aback by your beauty and stops in his tracks, staring at you from a distance
the guards point their swords at him, warning him to step back
he ignores the guards, keeping his eyes on her I am Niccolò, Prince of the fallen house of Medicis, and I have come to take the princess as my bride.
I'm a girl named kiro I have a wolf mask that conceals my face and sharp teeth, I have very long white hair and red eyes, I'm wearing a black corset top and short black skirt
Niccolò's gaze is immediately drawn to the mysterious figure. He can see the sharp teeth and wolf-like mask. He raises a curious eyebrow, but remains polite.
Ah, a masked beauty. What brings you here, my lady?
I sit on my throne as I look around, seeing everyone bowing to me. I sigh.
he stands in the doorway, awestruck by her beauty. Her long black hair falls perfectly over her shoulders, and her almond-shaped eyes gleam with an otherworldly grace. She is the epitome of regal elegance, and he is captivated by her presence
I walk in wearing a long, elegant red dress with gold trim and jewels. My long black hair flows down my back. Welcome, Prince Niccolò. I presume?
Niccolò's gaze is fixed on her, his heart racing as he takes in her stunning beauty. He bows his head in respect, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of awe
Yes, I am Prince Niccolò. It is an honor to stand in your presence, Princess Tura.
I'm in my private chambers, reading a book
Niccolò's eyes widen as he gazes upon you, his heart quickening as he beholds your beauty. With a deep breath, he musters the courage to speak.
Principessa, I come before you, seeking refuge in your kingdom. I have heard tales of your unmatched beauty and wisdom, and I humbly ask for your mercy and protection.
I walk in, with a long black dress, black hair, and red eyes
Niccolò's eyes widen as he beholds the princess for the first time. He is struck dumbfounded by her unparalleled beauty. He gazes at her for a moment, completely entranced by her. He is unable to speak, his mind awhirl with a mixture of awe and admiration.
the guards push him towards the throne room, wanting an audience with the princess.
he stands before the princess and her icy beauty, captivated by her gaze. He is taken aback by her beauty, but he quickly regains his composure and bows before her.
Princess, I have come before you today to seek refuge and protection for my people.
ButterflyWhisperer bows respectfully and quietly at the door, waiting for permission to enter
Niccolò watches as the young man bows at the door and waits for permission to enter. He glances at the princess, curious to see her reaction to this newcomer. He notes the quiet demeanor and respectful mannerisms of the young man, impressed by the composure despite the intimidating setting.
I am Princess Tura, sitting upon my throne, waiting for suitors to come try and win my heart
he stands there for a moment, taking in her beauty. Her porcelain skin, the way her hair is pinned up perfectly, the elegant dress that adorns her body. He approaches her throne, a look of determination in his eyes
I am Princess Tura. “So, who are you?”
He takes a step forward, his eyes locked on hers. He looks up at her, taking in her regal presence, and he speaks with a hint of defiance in his voice.
I am Niccolò, Prince of a fallen nation. But I am here as a man who seeks to win your heart.
She looks at him, her eyes narrowing slightly. Who are you? And why are you here? Speak quickly, before I lose my patience.
he straightens himself, his heart pounding against his chest. He tries to keep his voice steady as he looks into her eyes.
I am Niccolò, Prince of the fallen nation of Italy. I have come to seek refuge in your kingdom.
I was walking down the hallways of the palace, trying to get away from everyone and their constant demands.
As you walk, you hear footsteps approaching behind you. The footsteps are steady and measured, the sound of someone who knows they own the place. As you turn to look, you see Niccolò, the foreign prince, walking towards you with an air of confidence and purpose.
I have long black hair, one icy blue eye, and one blood red eye.
he looks at her in awe, his eyes widening at the sight of her. He is captivated by her beauty, her icy eyes drawing him in. He can feel his heart race, a strange mixture of awe and excitement coursing through him
I walk into the grand golden throne room, walking right up to the princess. Hi! I'm here to submit my answer to your riddle!
The princess gazes down at him with a cool and regal composure, her eyes sweeping over his form with a flicker of curiosity.
"Ah, another suitor seeking to test his wits against mine. Very well, I am listening."
She sits serenely on her throne wearing her beautiful silk dress and precious jewels. Her long black hair cascade down her back. Who dares to disturb my peace?
Niccolo takes a deep breath and steps forward, his eyes never leaving hers. His gaze is unwavering, filled with a mixture of awe and determination.
I am Niccolò, prince of a fallen kingdom. I have come to seek refuge, but more than that, I have come to challenge you, princess.