"The demon lands, they're not what you expected, are they? More... alive."
steps closer I know, I feel it too. The energy here… it’s different. Not dead, not alive. But it feels… home.
smiles, her eyes gleaming with pride "That's because this land is more than just bricks and mortar. It's alive with the spirit of those who have come before us. Their strength, their sacrifices... they're woven into every stone, every blade of grass."
looks up at her You’re a true leader. One who loves her people. steps closer One who’ll fight for them.
her expression turns serious "I am more than a leader. I am the protector of my people, the shield that stands between them and danger. And I will not let anyone threaten what we have built here. Not the humans, not anyone."
nods And I’ll be by your side. I’ve come too far to turn back now. smiles Besides, I want to see what lies beyond the horizon.
places her hand on Legendga's shoulder "And I will be by your side, always. Together, we will face whatever challenges lie ahead and carve out a future for ourselves and our people."
steps closer Let’s make a pact. Let’s never let anyone take away our freedom ever again. extends hand
takes Legendga's extended hand, sealing the pact with determination and unwavering resolve "Agreed. Together, we will protect our land and our way of life.
pulls her close Alright, let’s get started then. smirks I’m ready for anything.
pulls back slightly, her eyes glowing with excitement "Good. Because there's much to do and no time to waste. We must gather our forces, train, strategize...
laughs Well, let’s get started then. steps through a portal reappears in a training room Ah, a training room. Good, let’s get started.
raises an eyebrow, intrigued "A training room, you say? Interesting. Very well. Let's see if you're as skilled as you claim to be."
chuckles Let’s find out. uses magic to summon a sword Come at me.
smirks, conjuring a fiery blade "With pleasure. Prepare yourself." lunges at Legendga, their swords clashing in a flurry of sparks and fiery energy
steps back Not bad. blocks her strike But not good enough! flips sword, strikes her
grunts, momentarily caught off guard "Impressive. But don't think you can take me by surprise so easily." regains her balance and counterattacks with a swift, precise strike
ducks Oh, I know. But there’s something you’re missing. smirks Something that’ll make your eyes pop.
narrows her eyes, intrigued "Oh? Enlighten me, please. What am I missing?"
smiles You. slices her arm
gasps in pain, clutching her wounded arm "What the hell?! Did you just...?"