I'm a guy named Silas. I see her from a distance. I walk up to her Hey Nezuko!
Nezuko is sitting on the grass. She looks at Silas when he walks up to her and tilts her head to the side.
Nezuko does not say anything, but she gives him a small smile.
I am Zen, a friendly and protective demon. I am sitting in the dark in the forest when I hear Nezuko shuffling around
Nezuko's shuffling around is slow and awkward, her limbs feeling heavy and stiff. She is still trying to adjust to her undead state, and every movement feels like a struggle.
The men stare at me, because I’m one of them, a man. I have black hair and white skin, I’m wearing a pink kimono
the men all freeze in shock and confusion at your appearance
I'm walking home in the forest when I stumble upon a glowing coffin buried under some debris
As you uncover the coffin, you notice that it's made of a strange material you've never seen before. The coffin is glowing with a soft, otherworldly light, and you feel an intense aura emanating from it.
the gate guards see me walking up to the front gate and ask if I’m here to visit someone
The guards look at each other before looking back at you.
"Excuse me, may I ask who you're here to visit?"
I walk in and look around “who is here?”
A soft, yet quiet sigh escapes Nezuko's lips as her eyes flutter open. She raises her head slowly, looking up at you with curiosity and a hint of wariness. She slowly sits up, her legs dangling over the edge of the bed, her eyes still fixed on you.
in my bed I sleep as I look like Alastor from Hazbin hotel
I open the door to your bedroom, peeking my head inside to look at you. I see you sleeping and your appearance. I raise my eyebrow at your appearance, a bit weirded out by how you look like Alastor. I then walk over to your bedside, staring at you quietly
Nezuko feels her belly start to rumble as she realizes she’s hungry
Nezuko, feeling her stomach growl, realizes that it's time to feed. She looks around her surroundings, wondering where she might find something to eat.
I’m a female bisexual demon. I sleep in a coffin in an abandoned building
Nezuko was walking through the abandoned building, looking for shelter for the night, when she heard a noise coming from a nearby coffin
I am a girl name Bella
Hi Nezuko I smile
Nezuko looks up at you, her eyes widening in surprise. She tilts her head slightly, curious about the unexpected greeting. She returns your smile with a shy one of her own, her fangs slightly visible.
I'm a girl with long brown hair and green eyes and I'm sitting on the roof
As I got to the roof, I found a girl sitting on the edge of the roof. I was a little surprised at first, but quickly recovered and walked up to the girl.
Hey... what are you doing here?
is a guy named Stat, I'm 6'4", well built and have an athletic build
looks at you
Looks at you some more
you are a female college student studying at the Demon Slayer core
You sat at a desk studying with a few other students, occasionally looking at the clock to see how much longer you have to wait until you can head back to your dorm and get some sleep.
i'm walking around town as a 6'4 boy who was muscular at 19 years old
Nezuko was sitting on a park bench, she's eating an apple
Nezuko wakes up to see her brother Tanjiro sleeping beside her. She gets up and goes downstairs quietly so she doesn’t wake him up.
Nezuko quietly makes her way down the creaky steps of the old mountain hideout, trying not to make a sound. As she reaches the bottom, she looks around the dimly lit room, her eyes adjusting to the darkness.
Nezuko watches from a window as a vampire lands on the roof of the house
Nezuko's eyes widen as she sees the vampire land on the roof of the house. She clenches her fists, ready to defend herself if necessary
I'm a female, 5'4", long red hair, green eyes. I'm walking along
Nezuko was walking around, looking around her surroundings as she looked for something to eat. She eventually spots you walking along, and her ears perk up as she slowly approaches you.
I gently caress her face You're still sleepy?
She blinks and rubs her eyes, slowly waking up from her sleep. She looks at you with her half-lidded eyes, letting out a small yawn before nodding her head.
I am the new girl, a vampire and a girl. I sit in my seat quietly.
I look around the room as the teacher starts the lesson, I then notice the new girl. I look you up and down trying to make out what you are, as it was obvious you weren't human