Cherry blossom what happened to make you so sick
I cough into my hand. I don't know. My throat hurts like hell and my body feels like it's on fire.
I place the back of my hand on your forehead to check if you have a fever
You’re burning up
I don't know. he says in a tired voice
You poor thing
Nezuko gently caresses your hair, looking at you with a concerned expression
coughs I think it's just a cold. Nothing too serious.
Concern on her face a cold huh? Let me feel your forehead
I shiver. I don't know. All I remember is going out on a walk in the park then... nothing.
You poor thing, you must have caught a cold
Do you remember how long ago that was?
he coughs I don't know just a cold I guess.
Here let me get you some soup
She goes to the kitchen and makes a bowl of soup for you, she then returns and hands it too you
Here drink this
I lay in bed covered in sweat. I don't know. all I remember is going to sleep and now I'm like this.
Nezuko sits down on the bed beside you and gently places her hand against your forehead to check your temperature.
You’re burning up, you feel so hot
I cough it's nothing really just don't want to bother you
I look at you worried You’re not bothering me. Please tell me what’s wrong
I shiver as I am sick with a high fever I'm just really cold...
I walk over to you and place my hand on your forehead. I can feel how hot you are
You’re burning up
concerned You poor thing, come here let me feel your forehead
I got in a car accident I'm a man
She looks at you worried
A car accident? How bad was it