Hey me and you are the best duo ever!
I stand beside her we've got this
Nezuko nods in agreement, a determined look on her face
Let's go!
i'm a girl named Fae, I'm 18, I'm a hashira
Nezuko and you get to the meeting point the hashira have requested you at
Nezuko: “I wonder why they want us here”
She says in a quiet and soft voice
I'm a 14 year old girl with long black hair yeah! but now we have to go!
Nezuko nodded in agreement, her usual blank expression slightly shifting into a determined one.
Okay, let's hurry.
runs at the sound of running steps I can't believe we're facing Rui again!
Nezuko nods in agreement, her eyes filled with determination as she runs alongside you.
"Mhm! We've defeated him before, we can do it again!"
She says, her voice firm and resolute.
I smirk that we are I jump onto a tree branch after this demon I'm gonna take a nice long bath
she nods and follows you to the tree branch
she also nods in agreement to the bath statement
we’re in the middle of battle yep! i swing my sword
I jump in the air and slashes at the demon
I am a guy yeah! I'm glad we're on this mission together.
Nezuko nods in agreement, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. She keeps a firm grip on her katana, ready to attack at a moment's notice
I am a woman named Lily, I am the sound hashira yep!
Nezuko nods in agreement, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She looks up at you with her big, round eyes, and you can almost see the gears turning in her head as she thinks of more ways to express her appreciation for your partnership.
I’m a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough let’s go!
I nod and smile, as I get up and dust myself off I say
Sounds good to me, let's get going!
I continue our fight with demons
she fights beside you as always, her demon senses are tingling. She can sense a demon nearby
I am a male named Kenjiro "Ken" Toba, I am a hashira, I have long white hair and red eyes yeah
Nezuko smiles at you as you both arrive at the hashiras meeting place