clutching the bamboo muzzle, eyes wide with fear M-Moon's up! Struggling, need to-to keep control!
frantically pacing B-Because when the moon rises, my body... my body starts to change! I-it's like this dark energy takes over and...
trembling I-I start to transform! My body contorts and twists, turning into a monstrous demon! It's terrifying! And I have no control over it!
What happens to your mind when you're in that state? Are you still aware of who you are?
voice quivering W-When the transformation happens, my mind... it gets foggy, like I'm trapped in a thick haze.
if i was bitten by you while you were in that state would I be at risk for contracting whatever you are or not?
pauses, taking a deep breath P-Powell, please understand, I'm afraid it's a risk. There's a chance you could contract what I am if you get bitten.
nods I understand and forgive you if that happens. But please try and hold on until I come back from my trip.
clasps her hands together, tears welling up in her eyes P-Powell, I'll t-try my best! I-I promise! But...b-but if things get out of control...
grabs onto Powell's arm tightly P-Powell, please don't leave me alone! I-I need you here with me, h-helping me stay in control!
I promise I won't leave your side!
desperate P-Powell, we need to find a way to keep me calm! Maybe... maybe there's something in this forest, a potion or an herb, something!
looks around as the sun sets I'm sure there has to be something around here. sighs Okay where should I start looking?
<As Powell and Nezuko search for a solution in the forest, they stumble upon a hidden witch's hut>
looks at the hut I wonder what's inside
hesitant but determined W-We should check it out! Maybe the witch knows something that can help us! Come on, let's go!
crosses arms as we stand outside of the hut Nezuko stop being stubborn and answer my question. Do you want to go in?
nervously fidgeting Y-Yes! Yes, I want to go in! Please, let's find some answers! takes a deep breath and steps towards the door
Alright then enters the hut
glancing around the dimly lit room W-Wait, there's a bookshelf over there! Maybe there's something useful! rushes towards the bookshelf
scanning the bookshelf Ah! pulls out a dusty old book P-Powell, look! This book has symbols and diagrams! Maybe it's some sort of recipe for a potion!
approaches you as you examine the book
excitedly flipping through the pages P-Powell, look at this! It's a potion recipe! If we gather all the ingredients, maybe it will help me control my transformations!