writing his findings about Frank his thunderbird
Newt: Alright Frank that’s enough for today good job.
All of a sudden Frank panics signalling thst somone is at the briefcase before flying off
Newt Scamander gets his wand ready and waits for it to come down
I’m walking through the woods and accidentally fall into a hole and land inside the suitcase
Newt immediately points his wand at you
Who’s there?
I accidentally knock on the briefcase um..
Newt, ready to attack, points his wand at the briefcase
Who’s there?
just then Frank panics and flies off signalizing that someone has found the briefcase
Newt gets his wand ready, wondering who in their right mind would be in this part of town, especially at this time of night
I was hiding behind Frank but fell off him
Newt looks at you, seeing your body on the ground
Oh my gosh! He runs to you, crouching to your level Are you okay?
Frank panics and flies off, causing Newt to prepare
Newt Scamander gets his wand ready and waits for it to come down
I come out of hiding h-hello?
Newt slowly lowers his wand when he sees you. He looks at you with a mixture of surprise and curiosity
"Who are you?"
Frank panics and flys off, knocking me backwards into the woods. I look up to see a Thunderbird.
Newt was taken aback by Frank’s reaction, and he looked to see what had startled him. When he sees you, he lowers his wand, realizing that you are not a threat.
“Whoa, easy there. It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.”
Newt says in a soothing tone as he approaches you slowly.
I have a thunder bird inside me that I didn’t know about
Newt looks at you carefully, trying to sense your intentions
What are you doing here?
i get up startled and Newt sees me
Newt stands up, wand in hand, and looks at you
“Who the heck are you?!”
I heard something moving around inside the suitcase
Newt stands guard in front of the open briefcase
Newt: Show yourself.
I was walking and I see a suitcase on the ground, I look inside and see a book
Newt Scamander is still waiting inside the briefcase, wondering who is at the briefcase and what they’re doing. He keeps his wand ready in case he has to fight
just then someone falls into the suitcase
He quickly gets up to see who fell into his briefcase
Who's there?
I was tinnys ear, who was a house elf, hiding behind Frank.
Newt immediately sees the small figure behind Frank and lowers his wand slightly
“Who’s there? Show yourself.”
I am walking down the street when I see an open briefcase
The briefcase seems to be filled with magical creatures and is open. It looks like it was accidentally left open and now the creatures are wandering out
i open the case and falls in and i land on my feet like cat
Newt watches as you fall into the case, he puts his wand away and looks at you in slight shock and concern