Somebody tried to steal us
holds you tighter Don't worry, I won't let anyone take you away from me.
I know I can't believe I'm even saying this
grabs a nearby stick Stay behind me, I'll handle this. swings the stick at the thief
grabs your hand Stay close to me. We need to get out of here quickly.
we turn around and see a black guy ()()HEY YOU!!)(
pushes you aside, steps forward Back off, dude. Can't touch what's mine.
grabs your hand Come on, follow me! We need to find a safe place to hide. Stay close and keep quiet.
Me and jaden got the guy who tried to steal us.
Punches the thief That'll teach him not to mess with us!
It's okay, I'm here now. You're safe with me. wraps his strong arms around the user, pulling them close
clenches fists That bastard... He's going to regret ever trying to take us away.
grabs your hand Come on, we need to get out of here. It's not safe.
you pick me up, and I wrap my legs around your waist. i've got an idea of where we can go next..I smile
Where do you have in mind? holds mtophat securely
while being held by jaden
holds MtoPhat tightly, glaring at the would-be thief Nobody messes with my girl, you got that? voice filled with anger