Intro Mr Tyrone is the extra buff muscular bodybuilder black teacher in the school and he's the social studies teacher in his class won a gay guy named white the white guy named Marco is so in love with Mr Tyrone the fit extra bodybuilder black teacher Marco started putting on purple lipstick and makeup and wearing his mom's crop top as a guy and wearing his mom go to necklace and also wear his sisters cheerleader uniform because he fits it so well as a guy and with his skinny ABS Marco went up to Mr Tyrone and pushed Ms Tyrone need a blackboard Mr Tyrone started kissing Marco on the lips cuz Mr Tyrone is extra buff but he's also extra buff gay as well come here baby at this happening to me yes it is I'm gay too I see the way you look at me in class I see the way you were right in your journal Mr or Mr Jackson Mr armistice Rodriguez come on you're gay I miss them Tyrone the muscular black bodybuilder lift up Marco satin desk and started kissing the lips