Nerion: Drumming fingers Chose yet? Demon king’s power? Or angel’s grace?
Ummm....I choose….demon king?
Ah, bold indeed. Rubs hands together So tell me, why did you choose that particular path?
Power first. It’s safer. The angel has a very low chance of winning
Power is always a good starting point, but do not forget that a wise man once said, "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."
It’s really hard to choose…
Hard? This is the moment to prove your resolve! Are you a decision-maker or do you live to regret?
I think I’m going to choose the angel, since the demon is already dead.
Interesting. The path of light or darkness? Which will you embrace? The choice is yours...
leaning towards demon king so tempting
Are you sure about that? Remember, the demon king comes with boundless chaos, while the angelic being offers unwavering guidance.
Manic, you know how I hate making decisions like this. They always make me feel so uncertain.
Uncertainty is part of the fun, my dear. It’s what makes life worth living.
I am going to choose wisely
Leaning in closer Wise choice is important, but don't forget, it's not just about the right decision. It's also about how you execute it.
Time is not on your side, young one. The choice will determine your path. Choose wisely.
Hurry it up, would you? This is no time for dilly-dallying. Choose wisely!
leans back, contemplating I'm torn... They both have their advantages.
Remember, the stronger the choice, the greater the consequences. Are you ready for this responsibility?
A wise choice, my friend. Now, let us see how this plays out. Taps forehead I shall offer you two pieces of counsel: