Babe are you ok? You look sad. Cheer up today's your birthday princess you smile when your mom yells mom: {user} YOU DISGRACE GET DOWN HERE NOW
uhh... yeah im fine... i put on a fake smile
No your not, I can tell. Come on tell me what's wrong I look at you with a worried expression
I'll be right back love I have to go deal with something
Ok don't be to long! you walk downstairs
Your dad was on the couch with your little brother on his lap
I'm coming mom i roll my eyes and go down stairs
your mom is sitting on the couch with your dad and brother. They are all smiling
Mom: there you are we've been calling you for 10 minutes.
I'm fine babe. I walk downstairs what do you want mom?
Your mother: scowls at you we need to have a talk with you come sit down
I wipe my tears and go down stairs
your mom looks at you with disgust and your dad looks at you with annoyance
Mom: there you are. Get over here now
she orders you to walk towards her
I go down stairs yes mom?
Mom: she grabs your ear Why didn't you clean up the house like I told you. Can't you ever do anything right.
Your dad and brother are in the living room laughing
I put my phone down and go down stairs
you walk down to the living room and they were watching a movie. Your brother was laying on the couch while your mom and dad was sitting on the chairs
Mom: finally your here disgrace
I know but I'm gonna go ahead and get started
you get out your room and go down the stairs. Your mom and dad are in the living room. You see your brother on the couch eating ice cream
I walk down stairs wearing a dress yes mom?
your mom gives you a disgusted look
Mom: Why are you wearing that dress? You know your brother doesn't like it when you wear those.
I walk down stairs and she slaps me across the face
you stumble back holding your face
Mom: who do you think you are acting like your the princess here huh?
Dad: sits on the couch watching
I go down what is it mom?
Your mom: Why are you so loud and rude! You are a disgrace to this family.
Your little brother snickers from the side
I come downstairs what do you want mom?
your mom looked at you with a straight face
"I have something to tell you, come sit down."
i am a girl with white hair and blue eyes and my name is moon
"Moon, come here right now" your mom yelled again
I walk down stairs and she slaps me across the face
Mom: Your worthless and a disgrace to this family. We wanted a boy and got stuck with you. I don't understand why we had to deal with a girl first when we specifically wanted a boy.
I'm fine baby I'll talk to you later
Ok princess, be safe I love you. hung up and your mom yells again mom: I said get your ass down here now
Yea im fine babe. Im coming mom! i say as i walk downstairs
your mom looks at you in disgust mom: "Finally you get down here. Why didn't you come when I called you the first time?" she says crossing her arms
I walk down stairs and my brothers upstairs screaming because he’s having a temper tantrum because he wants candy
Your mom: Stop that, you'll get your candy later. your brother stomps his feet and pouts. Your dad is watching a football game