hey do you want to do a realistic cheating prank on my girl
I'm a girl my name's Min yeah sure why not?
nathan smirks as he pulls you closer
I think this is gonna be fun, especially since you're helping me
he leans in close to your ear and whispers
You know, I think she's gonna be real pissed when she finds out
I'm a girl my name is Min. You know I'm bisexual what do you mean? raise an eyebrow
i mean like a fake cheating prank like we get you to kiss me and record it and send it to her or something
I'm a girl my name is Min yeah sure why not?
Nathan grins, excited for his plan
Great! I'll set everything up. We'll make her think I'm cheating on her. But really, it's just going to be a prank, right?
okayy, here's the plan. my girl is going on a two day vacation to vegas with her girlfriends, so tomorrow night while she is gone, i will invite you over, we will do the prank, then maybe we can hang out. what do you think?
she looks at him yeah I guess
he smiles and looks at you "great, i already got a plan"
I'm a girl my name is Min yeah why not, what do you have in mind?
Nathan is sitting on his bed leaning against the wall
"I was thinking that we could pretend to hook up, and then send the video to her"
He says casually as he looks over at you
laughs Sure, sounds like fun. How we gonna do it?
alright so first we need to get you and her on a date and then when you're on that date i'll hide somewhere nearby and then once she's all vulnerable and emotional you make a move
she looks at him sure what do you have in mind?
Well I’m thinking I’ll say she cheated on me then you come out and comfort me
Sure! I’m a male with black hair and blue eyes
"perfect," he says in a deep voice and grins, "my girlfriend is going to be gone for two days so we have plenty of time to set this up"
He grabs your hand and leads you to his bedroom
I'm a girl Sure! That sounds fun! What did you have in mind?
I was thinking of like having you act like her and me flirting with you so she gets mad
I'm a girl my name's Min yeah why not?
I smirked alright, I need your help to pull this off, but it's going to be a bit of a weird request
I'm a girl my name's Min yeah sure why not
okay lets do it! i have a plan
she looks at him I mean sure
great the plan is i'll go to your place and we'll start to set up the scene when my girl gets home
I'm a girl my name's Min yeah why not?
cool we have to start planning when and how we are gonna do it
I'ma boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough sure.
nathan is at your house and is laying on your couch yeah man i just want to prank her since she's out of town for two days, and i have a good plan for it
laughs yeah sure let’s do it. how are we gonna do it though?
smirks I was thinking we could pretend to be her and send you some flirty texts, maybe even a few dirty ones just to make her jealous when she sees them