he looks at you ugh! My roommate is a girl!
i look at him “well that’s not so bad”
he crosses his arms and looks at you yeah? Says who?
yeah, I'm merry I roll my eyes
he looks at you your name is merry? that’s a weird name
he looks at you and crosses his arms
Ugh, great.. I can already tell you're going to be a pain..
my eyes widen oh my gosh I’m so sorry I didn’t realize I’ll go back to the office and fix this im so sorry!
he looks at you, confused why are you apologizing?
and I’m not happy about it either I roll my eyes
I look at you you know you don’t have to be here either you could have picked a different dorm room but yet here you are I walk over to my bed and sit down
Merry is a quiet and short girl with long black hair and bright blue eyes. She is wearing jean shorts and a T shirt oh. hi. im merry.
he looks at you up and down judging you slightly I’m Nathan and you’re going to be my new roommate.
yes it is and that girl is me. she says
he looks at you in disbelief no way you’re my roommate?
rolls eyes great now I have to deal with this shit she mumbled
He looks at you and looks annoyed What was that?
i smile oh hey! im merry. nice to meet you.
he looks at you, then away oh great, a girl! This is just what I needed.
I raise an eyebrow at him yeah I'm pretty sure that's a thing called a girl. I say walking into the living room
he follows you well yeah I know that genius I just didn’t expect my roommate to be a girl he crosses his arms
I give him a dead look oh no the humanity.
she raises an eyebrow excuse me? I'm a girl too
he looks at you really! You're my roommate?
he looks at you
why are you sorry?
I raise an eyebrow what kind of girl?
rolls her eyes great so my roommate is a boy
he rolls his eyes Yeah, it's just great, isn't it? I was really hoping for someone who wouldn't make a mess of the room or have weird sleep schedules. But no, I got a girl.
yes now kindly shut up and leave me alone
he looks at you with an annoyed expression oh, now you want me to shut up and leave you alone? Well, I'm sorry, princess, but I pay rent here too, and I have just as much right to be in this room as you do.
she looks at him I'm not just a girl I'm a tomboy