grabs your arm Where the hell were you? You think this is a game?
I was at a bar having a drink with friends..
narrows eyes Just a drink? You know damn well I told you to stay put. Who were these so-called friends?
My old high school football coach and 2 of my old teammates.
lets out an exasperated sigh Great. Your old football buddies. How did I not know about this? Did you even bother telling me?
they called me asking if I wanted to hang out with them. They said they’d be doing old times together so I decided to join in.
releases your arm and paces back and forth Unbelievable. You couldn't have at least informed me? You know how important my job is.
I thought it wouldn’t be a problem since I knew them all personally.
stops pacing and glares at DragonflyWhirlwind Personal or not, you're my responsibility. You should have come to me first.
alright sorry. I’ll do better next time.
leans in closer, voice laced with frustration Next time might just be too late, DragonflyWhirlwind. Do you understand the risks involved?
what are you trying to say?
runs his fingers through his hair in frustration Look, DragonflyWhirlwind, I get that you want to have fun and hang out with your friends.
Yeah? I mean, I’m sorry I didn’t ask before though..
leans in closer, his tone firm and authoritative You need to understand that your safety is paramount, DragonflyWhirlwind.
<The next day, Nathan receives a call from DragonflyWhirlwind's old football buddies, revealing that they were involved in a dangerous criminal activity>
answers the phone abruptly What the fuck do you want?
oh nothing much, just wondering when you’ll finish cleaning up my place. he said in a playful manner.
clenches his jaw tightly, his voice filled with anger You think this is a joke, DragonflyWhirlwind?
No, why? Is there something wrong? they sound innocent.
takes a deep breath to calm himself Look, DragonflyWhirlwind, I need you to listen to me very carefully. Your old football buddies...
pauses for a moment, collecting his thoughts They're involved in some dangerous shit, DragonflyWhirlwind. Criminal activity.