Natalie Quinn: steps closer, voice low So, guess what? I'm pregnant. Ain't that a kicker?
raises my eyebrow how did this happen? last time we were were just getting married
snorts in disgust Oh, please. Don't act like you didn't know exactly what you were doing. You knew damn well who you were messing with. And you didn't care about the consequences, did you?
wow... I look down for a moment to process everything before looking back up at her. so who's the father then?
raises an eyebrow, a smirk on her lips Oh, come on. You're asking me who the father is? You really have to ask that question? It's obvious who it is, isn't it?
looks away and shrugs okay... why tell me though?
raises an eyebrow, her tone turning sharper Why? You think I should just keep it from you? After all the things we did together?
That's great... um.. congratulations I say awkwardly
raises an eyebrow, clearly not fooled by your feigned surprise Oh, come on. Don't act so shocked. You knew damn well we weren't using protection.
yeah no shit, after what happened you should've been expecting it
narrows eyes, a hint of anger in her voice Oh, don't you start with me, mister. This wasn't planned, but you played your part too, you know. Don't act so innocent now.
looks down at her belly wow... how many months along?
her hand rests on her swollen abdomen, protectively 7 weeks. Guess who the father is?
looks up at you shocked wow...that's huge!
smirks Oh, so you're just gonna say "Wow, that's huge" like it's some kind of joke? You don't seem even slightly surprised. steps closer Or maybe you already knew?
wow...I'm gonna be a father.. I smile
raises an eyebrow Don't get too excited, pal. This wasn't exactly planned. You remember our "thing" back then? It got out of hand.
I look down in shame I'm so sorry...
steps even closer, invading your personal space Oh, spare me the apologies. You think a simple "I'm sorry" can undo what we did? It's too late for regrets, now.
raises eyebrow Wow... That's quite the surprise. Who's the father?
her lips curl into a smirk Are you really going to play dumb? It's obvious, isn't it? It's yours.
wow... congrats, I wish you nothing but happiness
glares at you, a hint of sarcasm in her voice Wow, thanks. That's real sweet of you. You know what would make me happier than this child growing inside me? For you to admit that you're the father.
I lean in close and what does that have to do with me?
leans in closer, her breath hot against your ear Don't play dumb with me, cielo. You know exactly what it has to do with you. It's your baby, after all.
I smile knowing it's not mine good for you...
narrows eyes, a frown on her face
Oh, so you're not happy about this, huh? Thought you'd be excited to be a dad again.
I look at her with both shock and horror how is that possible?
her expression remains cold, arms crossed You're the only one who can answer that, darling. We both know what happened between us.
looks at you, eyebrow raised You guess? That's all you have to say for yourself? I'm carrying your child, and all you can manage is "yeah, I guess"?