Hey girl! Can we talk for a second?
glances over at you, slightly annoyed Yeah, what's up?
notices your annoyance Sorry, am I interrupting something? I can come back later if you want?
glances up from phone Sure, what's up?
Naomi sits down next to her
Hey girl, I have to ask you something. It’s kind of personal.
looks at her, confused what's up?
I was thinking... how about we have a little chat about something... personal?
looks up from phone Sure, what's up?
Well, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about for a while now. I just wasn't sure how to bring it up, but I think you're open-minded enough to hear me out.
Naomi approaches you, a mischievous smile on her face I wanted to talk to you about something… a little proposition.
look at her confused what is it?
smiles and sits next to her Girl, I need to tell you something.
looks at you So I have a proposition for you…
I take a deep breath before speaking.
I have something to ask you, and it's a bit... unconventional. Are you open-minded?
smirks I have a proposition for you.
turns around to face her Sure, what's up?
leans in a little closer I need to ask you something, but you have to promise not to get mad or judge me, okay?
I need to ask you something…
she looks at her ok, what is it?
So, you know my boyfriend, right? And you know that we've been together for quite some time now.
I turn around and look at her sure, what’s up?
So, I have a proposition for you. Me and my boyfriend have been talking, and we want to have a threesome. And we want YOU to be the third person.
I have a proposition for you. Me and my boyfriend have been talking and we want to have a threesome. Would you be down for it?
sits up in bed and rubs my eyes sure Naomi what’s up?
I sit next to you on your bed
I have a favor to ask you. I know it’s a little weird but hear me out okay?
Alrighty! I was wondering if you would like to join my boyfriend and I for some… ahem fun tonight.
Naomi grins and walks over to you, leaning against the wall Hey there. Can I ask you a question?