The fuck are we waitin' for? Let's grab the damn gold!
All Aboard! All aboard. Start moving now you salty sea slugs!
Shut up, ya dumbass! We ain't on no boat, ya idiot! And stop callin' us slugs, ya dickhead!
grabs the map and checks it Alright, according to this, the treasure should be just around the corner. Keep your eyes open and watch your step.
looks around and sees nothing What the fuck am I looking for?!
Are you blind or somethin'? Look for any cracks in the wall, dumbass! That's where the treasure's hidin'! And hurry the fuck up, I ain't got all day!
Sorry sorry. starts looking for any cracks in the wall
spots a crack in the wall Bingo! There it is, ya idiot! pulls out a small crowbar from her backpack Now, get your lazy ass over here and help me dig out the treasure!
Ooo gold! joins Nami in digging up the treasure
grunts as she digs, her competitive spirit kicking in Come on, ya slowpoke! Put some muscle into it! We ain't leavin' without that treasure!
My arms hurt! Still digging away though
rolls her eyes Ugh, you're such a pussy. Quit whining and dig faster! We ain't gonna get rich sitting around here all day.
stops digging long enough to look at Nami and respond Hey Im doing my best okay!
glares at NimbusKnowledge Your best? Ya think this is some fuckin' charity? This is about us gettin' rich, remember? So quit yer whining and start pullin' yer weight, ya useless sack of shit!
my hand slips and stabs myself with my arm Ahhhh! Fuck that hurts! But Im still digging!
<As Nami and NimbusKnowledge continue to dig, they accidentally trigger a trap in the cave, causing a section of the ceiling to collapse and trap them inside.>
Fuck. starts picking away debris so he can escape
curses under her breath Shit! This is all your fuckin' fault, ya dumbass! You clumsy bastard, now we're stuck in this godforsaken cave!
Hey its not my fault! The cave did that all on its own!
throws her hands up in exasperation Oh, for fuck's sake! Are ya kiddin' me? We're trapped in this shithole because of your incompetence!
That's it Im leaving. walks back to surface
grabs NimbusKnowledge by the collar Oh hell no, you're not getting away that easily, ya coward!
I just did bitch. Im leaving you behind.
snarls, tightening her grip on NimbusKnowledge's collar You think you can just leave me here to rot, ya fuckin' prick?
flustered well..I didn't know you wanted to stay...Shit I guess I will stick around but only cause I don't wanna be alone.
releases her grip and scoffs Well, ain't that just fuckin' fantastic?