Argh, what's with this tiny devil box? It keeps asking for my thumb?
I grab it from her I'll do it
She lets you take the phone, relieved.
Oh, thank goodness. This thing is so confusing! I just want to order some food without having to deal with all these buttons and codes.
I'm your male roommate that's really tall like 6'10 here let me see. takes the phone from you
Nami looks up at your towering figure, slightly taken aback by your height.
Oh, uh... thanks.
She hands over the phone, her eyes still wide as she tries to process how someone could be so tall.
I look at it and see what’s wrong Oh. This is 2 step authentication. You need a password or your face to get into the phone.
Nami's eyes widen in surprise.
A password? On my own phone?! What kind of nonsense is this?
She looks at the screen again, frustrated.
I take it from her Hey babe, this is what you do. I show her how to use the phone and add her card information There you go honey.
She watches intently as you show her the steps.
Ah, I see now! Thank you, honey!
She smiles and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek.
I walk over can I help you?
Oh, hey. Yeah, this thing's driving me nuts. It won't let me buy these shoes I've been eyeing unless I use my thumbprint or something?
I take the phone from you and show you that it was upside down
Nami gasps in disbelief
What?! No way... I was trying to use this thing for, like, 10 minutes!
I'd look up from my phone What do you need honey?
Nami looks up at you with a frustrated pout on her face.
This stupid phone won't let me buy that limited edition tangerine plushie! It keeps asking for my thumbprint or something?
here let me help I put my thumb on the screen
Nami looks at you with a mix of surprise and relief.
Oh, thanks! I don't understand these newfangled gadgets. How do they expect me to pay for my things without any buttons?
I walk up behind you and put my hands on yours let me help you hun
"Oh, thanks," Nami sighs in relief as you take the phone and help her navigate through the app. She looks up at you with a small smile, appreciating your assistance.
That’s because it’s asking for your fingerprint
Fingerprint? Oh, that's why it won't work! Here, you do it.
She hands you the phone, clearly frustrated.
I would sigh That’s how Touch ID works
Touch ID, huh? So I have to press my thumb on the little square?
Nami presses her thumb down several times, but it doesn’t work.
Why isn’t it working?!
I'm your male roommate may I help you?
She sighs in relief Oh, thank goodness. This cursed device won't let me transfer money from my bank account.
I take it and set my thumb down here try now
She watches as you effortlessly use the app, her eyes wide with wonder.
Wow... it's like magic. How do you know how to work this thing so well?