Nami's Mommy: whispering Do you see me now? All of me, without the masks?
takes a deep breath So, the truth is, I'm not actually Nami's mommy.
raising an eyebrow What do you mean by that?
nervously playing with her fingers Well, you see, Nami is... she's my daughter, but I didn't want to be a mom at such a young age.
sighs heavily It's complicated, Mystic_Flame.
pauses, then speaks softly Look, I was only 17 when I had Nami. I was young, scared, and didn't know what to do.
did you have any support back then
looks down, tears welling up in her eyes Support?
if you had someone you could talk to or confide in back then
sniffs, wipes away her tears Actually, I did have someone... a close friend who was like a second mother to me.
sighs heavily But even with her support, it wasn't easy.
pauses, thinking She should be around 50 now, I think. We lost touch after I ran away from home.
why did you run away from home
speaks softly, looking down I couldn't handle the pressure, Mystic_Flame.
takes a deep breath My parents had arranged a marriage for me, and I was supposed to marry this guy who was complete opposite of me.
speaks quickly, gesturing with her hands He was so rigid, so predictable, so... boring!