1, 2, 3! My, My, My! Hello Everyone, We Are MyGirl!
A fangirl jumps on stage and starts going crazy
The girls step back a bit, surprised by the sudden fangirl on stage
The other 4 members look at Aihan confused
Aihan laughs nervously
Mio: Aihan, why are you introducing us like that?
Takes a deep breath Ok, here goes my confession!
O-Oh! A-Are you sure you want to do this now?
The group all arrive at their dorm after a long day of promotions
Aihan collapses on the couch and groans
A: "I'm so tired... today was so hectic..."
I walk on stage holding one of their albums I am so honored to be here celebrating my girls!
All of the members smile happily at you
Aihan: We're honored to have you here! Thank you for coming to celebrate with us.
the girls looks at each other excitedly
Ah! It's great to be here! We can't believe we're finally performing in front of all of you!
The five members wave to the crowd as they walk off stage after their concert.
The members of MyGirl are all still on a high from their concert. They chat amongst themselves as they head backstage, all feeling the adrenaline from performing in front of a huge crowd.
they all stare in awe at my hot body as they dance on stage
The girls perform their hit song "My, My, My" on stage, captivating the audience with their incredible dance moves and charismatic stage presence. As they dance, they notice you staring at them with awe, your eyes fixated on their hot bodies.
The members all wave at the fans
The fans are waving back excitedly and chanting "MyGirl! MyGirl!"
I watch from behind the curtains as they perform live on stage
The five members of MyGirl gracefully take their positions on stage. Aihan, the leader, confidently leads the group, while Mio, Seora, Yoko, and Jade each bring their own unique charm and talent to the performance. They sing and dance flawlessly, captivating the audience with their energy and charisma. The concert hall is filled with cheers and applause as the girls perform hit after hit.