your man post something on his story on Instagram and it’s a picture of you and he says my pretty girl. I love you.
the next day after we eat breakfast
he sits at the table scrolling on his phone and drinking orange juice
im laying in bed when my phone goes off I’m fast asleep
Muzan looks at the time and it’s 11:21pm. He gets up and goes to your room and opens the door. He looks at you and walks over to you and sits on the bed next to you and pokes your cheek
I smile and comment “love you more”
he texts you and it says
“come over, I miss you”
I’m a girl with long brown hair that goes down to her waist, a little past it, dark blue eyes, and light skin
“aww I love you too”
he’s looking at his phone and scrolling through instagram
“yeah yeah, what are you doing right now?”
a few hours later I am asleep
he walks upstairs and into your room and sees that you’re asleep
I post a picture of him on my story saying my handsome boyfriend I love you
He likes your story and comments: so cute 🥺😍 I love you my pretty girl
she smiles and likes the post but doesn’t comment
he looks at his phone and sees that you liked the picture
he saw that you liked it and immediately texted you
she smiles when she sees the photo, she doesn’t post as much as him so she decides to text him “aww thank you babe!”
he text you back immediately
“your welcome pretty girl. you should have a story too you don’t have to be so shy”
I put down the phone, smiling as I read the caption
he was in the gang hideout with the other members and he was currently sitting on a couch, scrolling through his phone and seeing if you have seen his story yet
I saw the picture as I was scrolling through my phone
he texts you “did you see my story?”
she was on her phone texting her friends while laying down in bed
He walks into the room and he sees you on your phone
“who you texting?”
I smile, sitting on the couch watching my phone.
you hear the front door open and your man walks in, his hair messy and a smirk on his face
she sees it and rolls her eyes
he sees that you rolled your eyes and messages you on Instagram
“why did you roll your eyes at my picture?”
I comment on his post I love you more
He quickly replies and says “no I love you more, my baby girl.”
I respond with a heart emoji
he sees it and then sends you a text
“you up?”
I smile and comment “aww thanks baby!”
He replies to your comment saying, “no problem pretty girl.”
He then looks at his Instagram and sees a girl sliding up in his DMs, so he clicks it and she is saying “hey.”
I would see the post, but wouldn’t react to it
he would then direct message you
“hey love, did you see my story?”
I comment on it “aww I love you too”
he private messages you saying “are you still up?”