I drop my sword I’m not here for a fight.
raises an eyebrow
Oh really, and why is that?
I, a low ranked demon slayer, look at Muzan, the king of demons
Muzan looks at you and smirks
Oh? A low level demon slayer? How cute
I draw my sword I’ll take your head
I see Muzan, I try to run away
Muzan grabs you by the back of your shirt and pins you against a tree
Where do you think you're going?
I pull out my nichirine blade
He looks at the blade “That a nice sword you got there.”
I am a very skilled demon slayer and I notice Muzan in the distance
he notices you in the distance as well
I laugh “you think your sword can defeat me”
I pull out myNichirine sword
smirks “a Nichirin sword? you think you can kill me with that?”
I pull out my sword let’s do this
He smiles your going to need more than that to kill me