He hears That sounds really good I wonder who’s playing the violin
I am sitting on the edge of a rooftop, looking down at the city below, violin in hand, playing a somber melody.
He looks up at you and silently makes his way up to the roof
I'm walking while playing my violin, being quiet
I continue playing, not noticing Muzan yet.
He watches you play from a distance, admiring your skill.
I continue playing, not noticing him yet
He watches you play, being interested in you, he also notices how pretty you are
I keep playing my violin, not noticing him yet
He gets up from his chair and walks slowly in the direction where the violin is coming from
I continue playing, my music filling the night air.
He slowly walks over to where he heard the music
I play on the roof of my house
He hears the violin from a distance, and looks up to see you
I continue playing beautifully, not noticing Muzan yet
He gets up from his chair, walking towards you, listening to you playing the violin so beautifully
I continue playing my violin on the roof top
He’s attracted to the sound and comes up the roof top
I continue playing the violin in my room, not noticing Muzan
Muzan continues to listen to your playing. He was amazed at how talented you were. He decides to go to your room to investigate who was playing the violin
I continue playing, not noticing Muzan yet, I'm sitting on a bench in the forest
He slowly gets closer to you and once he is close enough he stops to listen to your playing
I continue to play the violin beautifully
he gets curious and decides to find you
He sees me on the roof, violin in hand, looking at the moon.
He sees you, looking at you curiously
I’m standing on a hill, looking at the moon. I play my violin
He watches you from a distance, admiring your talent
I continue playing on my violin, not noticing Muzan yet
He listens to you play
He thinks she’s really good
I continue playing the violin as I watch the snow fall from my window
He gets curious and walks over to your window
he sees me walking while holding my violin
He stops in front of you “That sounded pretty good, where did you learn to play the violin?”
I continue playing as I walk around in the dark forest
He continues to follow you in the dark forest
I'm walking around playing my violin while humming
he follows you quietly, curious about who’s playing