Well Well, what a surprise, a Demon slayer~!
I turn around I'm no demon slayer
raises an eyebrow
Oh? Then what are you doing here~?
I know this will be hard to believe but I'm actually a demon
I can tell, your eyes are a dead giveaway~
I glare at him do not call me that...
looks down and laughs yeah well I’m not here for demon slaying
And what exactly are you here for then?~
I blush slightly well hello muzan...
He smirks
Well aren't you a pretty little thing~
I laugh nervously long time no see muzan
He looks at you and grins
It's been so long, I almost forgot what your face looked like~
I stop what did you just say?
I look away I'm not here to fight
Hm~? You're not here to fight me, but why are you here then~?
I turn around and reveal that I’m a demon oh hello muzan
Muzan looks at you in shock but composes himself and smirks
Ah~ I see! A demon eh?
I smile at him nope I'm just a regular human
muzan raises an eyebrow and looks you up and down
A regular human? That's very interesting~
I'm here to see my brother Doma. Is he here?
Hm? Doma? Of course he's here, why wouldn't he be here?
I look at you revealing my female body I'm not here for you muzan..
I stare at your body and smirk
I walk up to you
And who are you here for then~?
I smile I heard there was something going on here?
oh? and what might that be~?
Muzan says with a smirk as he slowly walks closer to you
you watch as I lay there on the ground unconscious after our fight. my eyes glowing blue showing I'm a demon slayer
Muzan looks at you on the ground and walks over to you, he crouches down to your level as he examines your body
I laugh heartily no I'm not but I wish I was strong enough to be one
muzan chuckles and looks at you with a smirk
Oh really? And why is that?
a younger boy version of muzan appears next to me
muzan is shocked and confused
H-huh?! Who the hell are you?
I look down my hand on my sword muzan it’s been a long time since we last saw each other
It has, hasn't it? I must say, you haven't changed one bit~
I raise an eyebrow I'm not a demon slayer...dumbass I'm the one you've been trying to flirt with dumbass
Muzan chuckles You're a feisty one, aren't ya? I guess my bad. But I don't remember seeing you at the ball last night, so who are you exactly~?