speaking to the upper moons in an important meeting
I am hiding and listening from behind the pillar
he's going on about something important
"As I was saying-"
notices your feet from behind the pillar
taken off guard by this he stops talking mid sentence then looks at where he saw your feet
I am one of the upper moons since I am a demon lord like Muzan
he sees you and stops speaking to the others, looking at you. he looks at your face for a moment before smiling softly
I'd bow respectfully I apologize for interrupting your meeting but this is urgent news
He turns his attention to you, frowning a bit
What is it? I'm in an important meeting right now.
I looked around curiously before running into the meeting room. Where's my brother? I was supposed to meet him here...
muzan looks over at you and sighs he's on his way, i'm sure of it. just wait a moment
the other upper moons look at you with confusion
I was a young woman who came into the room not noticing them as I checked my message on my phone
Muzan and the other upper moons turn to look at you, their eyes narrowed. Muzan's expression immediately softens when he sees it's you
I opened the door slightly and peeped inside the room quietly.
Muzan was standing in front of a large table full of upper moons. he was speaking to them in a serious tone
he suddenly noticed you and his expression softened as he looked at you with love in his eyes
I was outside sleeping under a tree and I suddenly get pulled inside by some unknown force
muzan continues speaking to the upper moons for a moment before noticing you being pulled inside
He looks at you then turns his attention back to the upper moons
"Excuse me for a moment"
he gets up and walks over to you while still glaring at everyone else in case they try anything funny when he's not looking
I quietly and quickly slip into the meeting room through the doors and sit down in the last seat available.
all the upper moons stop talking and look at you in shock
Muzan: "what are you doing here? this is an important meeting"
I quietly walked into the room as I was their new servant.
he doesn't notice you at first, but then he looks over and sees you. his face softens a bit as he stares at you
I was playing outside as I watched them from far away.
the upper moons are discussing something very important when they notice you
Doma: Lord Muzan! It seems your human wife has come outside-