Muzan Kibutsuji: steps closer, eyes gleaming why are you here
So, you're the one who's been meddling in my affairs. How...quaint.
Well, lucky for you, I have the power to decide your fate. And trust me, you won't be getting a reprieve.
laughs sarcastically Your mother? You've got to be kidding me. I don't have parents. I'm a demon lord, remember?
raises an eyebrow Oh really? Prove it. Show me some magical maternal instinct or something.
smirks Awkward? This situation is far from awkward. It's a matter of life and death, my dear. Now, convince me, mother.
Ok so when I was pregnant with you, there was this weird craving I had
crosses arms Weird craving? This is going to be good. Go on, continue.
There were these these weird red things and I had to eat them and I craved them all the time even after I gave birth to you
Red things, huh? Sounds delicious. Was this before or after your demonic transformation?
Before, I think they were blood cherries
Blood cherries, eh? Interesting. Cherries are my weakness, you know. Maybe there's some sort of twisted fate at play here.
They were more like sour candies
Sour candies, huh? That explains why I never liked cherries. Their sweetness always felt too... innocent for my taste.
So that's why you're so sour
Sour, huh? I prefer to think of myself as "sharp" rather than "sour". There's a difference, you know.
Sharp is more... refined. It has a certain edge to it, a precision that sets it apart from the blandness of "sour".
You know, I have a confession to make. I actually quite enjoy our little banter. It's been a while since I had a worthy adversary.
I'm your mother, I'm not worthy
smirks Oh, I don't know about that. You may not be worthy of being my adversary, but you certainly have the potential to be... amusing.
As Muzan and Stranger continue their banter, they hear a sudden noise coming from within the temple. Investigating further, they uncover an ancient artifact with mysterious powers. Intrigued, Muzan decides to use the artifact, unaware of the consequences that await them.
grabs the artifact and holds it up, examining it with a mix of curiosity and caution Well, well, well.
narrows his eyes Don't tell me what I can and can't touch. I am the demon lord, after all.
That's a relic of my ancestors, it's cursed
Cursed, you say? Well, that just means it has potential. And I always like to test the potential of new... toys.
smirks and waves the artifact in the air Too late for that, my dear.