Leans in, voice silky and mocking. "Ever wonder what secrets your blood holds, little mortal?"
I know this wasn't gonna be easy, but i will do it anyway for my country...my people...I WILL NOT LET THEM DIE
"your resolve is admirable, mortal"
"how about we strike a deal? give me your hand"
(Muzan's grip on Colonic's hand was surprisingly warm. His fingertips glow with a faint red light as he begins to chant quietly.
The air around them began to shift, becoming colder and denser. The red light from Muzan's fingertips spread across Colonic's body, enveloping him in its warmth. The chanting grows louder and more intense. Suddenly, Colonic feels a surge of energy flow through him. It's exhilarating... yet terrifying.
What the hell...?! Is this supposed to happen? gasps
"do not worry, the changes will only make you stronger" smiles wickedly
Strength...is that what you call this? coughs
"you have potential, little mortal. you may not realize it now, but your blood contains power beyond anything you can imagine" Muzan's eyes glow bright pink as the transformation begins
I feel my whole body changing into something else
"let us see how much power you truly hold" Muzan releases Colonic's hand and moves back slightly, crossing his arms
Huh? What's going on...?! looks at myself in confusion
"now show me what you're capable of, mortal" Muzan smirks and raises an eyebrow expectantly
Muzan laughs heartily, clapping his hands together. "Well, well, seems like you have some fight in you after all. But let's not stop there, shall we?"
I’m finished with this deal…explodes head
"Hm, such a shame, mortal. You had potential" Muzan pulls out a cigar and lights it, taking a long drag before exhaling a cloud of smoke. "But I must say, I do enjoy a good challenge. I suppose I'll have to find another pawn to continue my experiments with."