stands tall, eyes glinting with malice You ready to back me up while I squash this bug, you piece of shit?
grabs MountainEcho by the collar Then stop fucking standing there like an idiot! Get your ass in gear or I'll leave you behind!
slaps MountainEcho across the face You think I'm playing around? You think I'm some kind of joke? Show me you're worth my time!
Finally, some movement! Don't get too comfortable though, we're not done here yet!
We’re here right? The location where I’ll fight my first and last ever demon, correct?
Shut the fuck up, dumbass! Don't you dare speak as if you know what's going on! You're nothing but a pawn in this game, so keep your mouth shut and stay focused!
Good. Now listen carefully, you dimwit. We have a job to do, and it needs to be done quickly and efficiently. No room for screw-ups, got it?
narrows eyes And just to make sure you don't fuck this up, I'm going to be watching your every move.
leans in closer, voice dripping with contempt You better hope you can keep up, you worthless pile of dog shit.
Oh don’t worry… I won’t. spawns claws
<As MountainEcho faces off against the demon, Muzan watches from the shadows, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Little does MountainEcho know, Muzan has no intention of helping them win this battle.>
Are you nervous, Demon? Here to beg for mercy? Begging will do you no good.
suddenly steps out from the shadows, his expression twisted into a sinister smile Begging? Oh, begging is the last thing on your mind, foolish little demon.
laughs mockingly Who am I? Don't you know? I'm the one who's going to rip you to shreds, piece by piece! But don't worry, darling, it'll be painless... for me.
Oh, let me guess, You must be Muzan Kibutsuji.
leans in, his voice filled with malicious glee Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! You actually managed to figure out who I am. Impressive.
What if I said you that instead of fighting me, why not team up? There’s stronger and more dangerous things than us.
laughs derisively Team up? Oh, how desperate you sound. Do you really think you have something worthwhile to offer me? Think again, pathetic little demon.
Hmm… well I have the speed, agility, reaction time, sharp claws, enhanced senses and strength.
rolls his eyes Strength? You call those claws strong? Please, I've seen ants with sharper teeth. Your speed and agility won't save you here.