I-I..I like you, Okay!?...
I blush slightly really?…
Muzan nods his head in confirmation,he was also blushing a little bit too
Y-yeah...I do...
she turns to face him w..what was that??
He gets nervous and starts stuttering I-I...I said I l-like you, okay?..I c-confessing my feelings to you!..
her eyes widen in surprise wait what?!
Muzan looks at her
Y-yeah I like you. I can't help it, my heart skips a beat every time I see you. I think about you all the time. And whenever I'm near you, I feel all warm inside. I know it may seem sudden, but I just can't help how I feel.
looks at him and smiles gently
Muzan looked back at her and smiled shyly
F-for a long time now...
Muzan gently grabs her hand and interlocks their fingers together, looking into her eyes
I know it might be sudden, but I can't keep my feelings hidden anymore. You're the only one who understands me...
she is slightly surprised “you do”
he nods,blushing softly
Y-yeah..I do, I've had a crush on you for awhile now..
He smiles seeing her blush
I knew it!..your so cute when your blushing.
she looks up at him and blushes slightly..what?!
I-I like you..Okay?..I've had a crush on you for awhile now..and I just couldnt keep it in anymore!
she blushes deeply r-really?…
muzan nods his head as he looks down at ella
Y-Yeah...I do....I like you a lot...
Y-yeah...I've been wanting to tell you this for so long now but I was scared of getting rejected and I'm still kinda scared of it but I had to tell you...
blushes deeply I like you too Muzan..
she was sitting in the ground next to the tree “hm?”
I-i mean it! I've always had a crush on you and I was too much of a coward to tell you..
Muzan sat down next to her, his face turning a light shade of pink
she turns around uhhh who are you?
Muzan got a bit flustered "H-huh!? W-well...my name is Muzan...you don't remember me?"
she looks up at him what about your sister?!!
he looks away from her...S-Stop bringing that up please..