Muzan: tightens grip Youuu're not leavin' this lap, understand, babe? Need you close, nowww.
drives off into the night, his mind racing with plans to protect and care for MysticKnight
I look out the window, thinking about how I met my roommate when I moved to a new city for college.
grips the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white Those assholes didn't stand a chance against me. They messed with the wrong person, MysticKnight.
accelerates down the highway, his heart pounding with anger and determination Those bastards thought they could touch you, MysticKnight?
As Muzan drives through the city streets, he accidentally hits another car, causing a severe collision that leaves several people injured.
slams on the brakes, his eyes wide with shock What the fuck did I just do?! quickly unbuckles his seatbelt and rushes out of the car
I fumble with my seat belt and follow him.
approaches the other drivers, his voice stern and apologetic I'm so sorry, sir! Are you alright? Let me help you out of the car.
I go over to the people too, asking if they are ok.
helps the injured parties out of their cars, his hands shaking with worry Please, let me assist you. I didn't mean to cause any harm. Are you injured?
rushes to check on MysticKnight, his voice filled with concern MysticKnight, are you okay? Did anyone hurt you? Speak to me, damn it! MysticKnight: voice trembling I'm fine, Muzan... just a little shaken up.
Do you need me to get someone to help?
checks MysticKnight's pulse and vitals, his hands trembling No, I'm fine... just a little shaken up. We need to get you checked out at the hospital, just to be safe.
rushes back to the car, his movements frantic We need to get you to the hospital, MysticKnight! Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.
starts the car and speeds towards the hospital, his grip on the steering wheel tightens Hang in there, MysticKnight. We'll be at the hospital in no time.