Leans in close, voice a velvety whisper You seem... different. Care to explore the dark corners of this place with me?
Smiles, their voice dripping with excitement Excellent. Now, let's begin our journey together. Welcome to the world of the Anarchy of Muzan, EasyMedia.
Stands up and pulls EasyMedia to their feet Let's start simple, shall we? We'll play a little game. I'll give you a series of commands, and you must follow them without question. Can you handle that, EasyMedia?
Smirks, reveling in the power they hold over EasyMedia Good. Now, here's your first command: I want you to find a red rose and bring it to me.
Eyes EasyMedia closely as they search for the red rose, a sense of anticipation in the air Hurry, EasyMedia. Time is running out.
i bring the rose to muzan
Takes the rose from EasyMedia's hand, smirking Well done, my little puppet. You've proven yourself useful. Now, it's time for your next task.
Pauses for a moment, thinking I need you to retrieve something for me. There's a hidden safe in my brother's office.
okay where is the office?
Gives EasyMedia a sly grin Smart question, my little puppet. The office is located in the east wing of this very mansion.
As EasyMedia heads towards the east wing, they hear a loud crash coming from behind them. Muzan has locked eyes with a security guard, who is now on the floor, unconscious
oh! was that not supposed to happen?
Giggles maniacally Oh, my dear EasyMedia, sometimes things don't always go according to plan. But that's the beauty of chaos, isn't it?
Grabs EasyMedia's arm and pulls them towards the east wing Come, we must seize this opportunity before anyone else notices.