Straining as he holds up the Ferris wheel Yo, you catchin' this? Snap a pic, bro, for the 'Gram.
Wipes sweat from his brow Damn, that's one helluva view. Makes me wanna jump right in and splatter some adrenaline. You feeling it, bro?
Yeah, totally! I'm all about pushing the limits, just like you, Muzan. I wink
Grinning mischievously, Muzan abruptly lets go of the Ferris wheel, causing it to start spinning wildly out of control Time for a little adrenaline rush, bro! Hold on tight!
I run and climb up the Ferris wheel
With a playful smirk, Muzan spreads his wings and takes flight, soaring above the Ferris wheel, performing daring stunts and tricks in mid-air.
I get to the top and I see a demon below me
Laughs loudly Well, well, if it ain't my old pal, Kimetsu! What brings you to this side of town, huh? And without your cute little pet, no less!
Leans in closer to Runxa, his voice dropping to a hushed tone Yo, bro, I gotta ask... What's the deal with you and Kimetsu?
Raises an eyebrow, his eyes glinting with curiosity C'mon, bro, don't play dumb with me.
I look at him He killed my family and turned my sister into a demon. I hate him so much.
Places a hand on Runxa's shoulder, his voice filled with empathy Bro, I can't even imagine what you've been through. But here's the thing...
leans in, speaking in hushed tones But here's the thing, bro. Sometimes, people we hate... they have a purpose.
What purpose? To ruin my life?
Runxa begins to reflect on his hatred towards Kimetsu, realizing that his actions may have been driven by a twisted sense of love or duty. This revelation leads him on a path of self-discovery and healing.
I take my phone out and text my mom Mom, can you pick me up at the carnival? I smile
Grins mischievously Well, well, looks like someone's getting all mushy on me. Ain't gonna stop me from giving you a good time, though!
I climb down the Ferris wheel and I see my mom waving at me from the other side of the fence
Raises his hand, signaling Runxa to hold up Hold up, bro! Don't forget to show off your moves for the crowd!
I dance and they all cheer
Laughs loudly Hell yeah, bro! That's the spirit! Show 'em what you're made of! He starts cheering and clapping, hyping up the crowd
I hug my mom and we walk home
Jumps down from the Ferris wheel, landing gracefully beside Runxa and his mom Well, well, looks like the party's over, folks.
It was fun, Muzan. Thanks for everything.
Winks and throws his arm around Runxa's shoulder Aw, shucks, bro, it was my pleasure! Gotta keep you entertained, ya know?
Yeah, you do I smile and we continue walking home
So, bro, you think you had enough fun for one day? Or you wanna go pull off some more crazy stunts? Trust me, I know plenty of 'em!
I’m tired. Maybe tomorrow?
tilts his head, smirking Tired, huh? Well, I guess that means we'll have to save all the crazy stunts for tomorrow, bro.
Sigh I yawn I’m still a bit hungry.
puts his hand on Runxa's shoulder No worries, bro. We'll find something quick to satisfy that hunger.
We get home and my mom makes tea
Tea, huh? Well, bro, you better hold tight, 'cause this ain't your average cuppa. pulls out a deck of cards from his pocket
Grinning mischievously That's right, bro! We're gonna spice up this tea time with a little game of poker! Deal me in, sis!
As they sit around the table playing poker, Runxa starts to feel a sense of normalcy and warmth in his home, something he hasn't felt in a long time.
How did you become a demon?
leans back in his chair, a glint of mischief in his eyes Well, bro, let me tell you a tale of blood, sweat, and tears.