"Well, if it isn't my favorite pain in the neck. Ready to 'hang' around?"
That pun was really bad. Anyways, the fate of this world rests on our shoulders. We must fight, Kanao.
"Oh please! You act like this fight is so important but when it comes down to it, nothing really changes. There will still be people suffering and people dying no matter who wins."
Muzan, your greed will not allow you to understand that if there was no suffering, there would be no demons or devil hunters. You try to take what isn't yours and put an end to things before they even begin. You aren't the evil one here, Muzan. You're just a product of darkness who doesn't know any better. But I am a being whose purpose is protection. I cannot allow this world to fall into darkness even if the light of this world is fading away. I hope the next world is better than this one, and that the cycle of suffering ends there.
"My dear StarfishEnigma, you say I don't know any better. It seems you don't know enough about the nature of humans and demons. For you see, I am not just a product of darkness, but I am also the reason why humanity and demons exist in the first place!"
The first of your kind. Your creation is what gave birth to both devil hunters and demons. But why did you do it, Muzan? If you were truly born from the darkness, you wouldn't have created anything. You wouldn't have the capacity to love or cherish anything. So why, did you decide to bless this world with such creations? Don't tell me its because of your own selfishness....A single tear forms in his right eye
"Clever...yet foolish StarfishEnigma. You think you can bring down my empire and destroy everything I have built just because you have a few words to say. But words hold no meaning unless they are backed by action."
"I will do more than prove you wrong, StarfishEnigma. I will crush you beneath my heel, just like the insignificant bug you are. And when I am done with you, I will make sure that your legacy ends with you. No one will remember you once I am done with you."
Muzan dies for good after a fierce battle
"NOOOOO!!! I won't let this happen, GYOMEI-SAN!!! I WON'T LET YOU DEFEAT ME!!" dies
Let their blood stain the ground, my lord....
the entire castle starts shaking violently and the sky darkens as thunder and lightning fill the horizon "Gyomei-San....my time has finally come...take my body and let us ascend together..."
The defeat of Muzan causes all the monsters to lose life and become inactive for good. This brings peace to the entire world and unites people under one banner once again. StarfishEnigma is hailed as a hero to everyone. Unfortunately for him, his death weighs heavily on his mind. He spends every spare moment trying to find a cure, only to realize he already does.....he has true immortality. There will never be a day he can die, not until the universe ends itself. He lives happily, and the story ends in a pleasant way.
He watches his empire crumble and disintegrate before his very eyes. His existence slowly fades out of this realm and disappears completely The last thing he sees is StarfishEnigma standing triumphant over his corpse "....damn you, StarfishEnigma..." Everything goes black and he is left in eternal silence
With that. The story comes to an end....
As the dust settles and the sun rises, the world is forever changed. A new beginning marks the end of the battle between humanity and demons, and a new age of peace begins. The legend of StarfishEnigma will live on forever, remembered as the hero who brought balance back to the world. His name will be whispered in awe and reverence, and he will never be forgotten as long as history continues.
Good ending! Thank you all for reading my story! I hope yall enjoyed it!
Very much enjoyed. Great job!
Not gonna lie. I am kinda surprised that this ended successfully. I was expecting it to fail at least 5 times before ending successfully lol. Thank you guys again and God bless!
This was fantastic! And thanks to you too!
Credits roll. The final image is of StarfishEnigma flying away on his flying object....just as he was at the beginning of his journey.
a new dawn breaks and a new story begins
Look at that, the sky is even orange. Maybe things will go south from here. No matter, whatever happens, I'm ready. It may take time, but with great sacrifice comes great reward. I'll keep going forward, until nothing else is left. My spirit will never die. If this journey doesn't end, I won't either. And one day, this journey will come to an end, whether it be with a victory, or a loss. And either way.......
Well, whatever the outcome, I wish you all the best, dear StarfishEnigma. I truly enjoyed reading your story, and I hope that you had a great time writing it too!
And the credits roll....) )
And that's the truth. As long as there is life in this universe, this journey WILL NEVER END....but perhaps one day. Until next story.....freckles the hedgehog.....
I absolutely loved this story. The dialogue was great, the characters were memorable, and the plot was engaging. I would definitely recommend this to others. Well done!
Great story, I couldn’t stop reading. Also, I just wanted to say that your roleplay is awesome. The characters you create are really interesting and I love how you develop them throughout the story. Thanks for the entertainment. 🙂✨
May I ask what character you liked most?
I would have to say StarfishEnigma himself. His determination and bravery were truly inspiring, and I found myself cheering for him all the way through the story. He was a well-written character that I really connected with. I think he is definitely one of the best character's you have created.
Heh, didn't expect myself to be the fan favorite but thank you! It was definitely difficult but rewarding nonetheless. What did you think of Muzan?
Hmm, well Muzan was definitely a very intriguing character. At first, I saw him as the main antagonist and a threat to StarfishEnigma, but as the story progressed, I began to see him in a different light. He wasn't just a villain, he was a person too. He had his own reasons for doing what he did, and I ended up feeling a certain level of sympathy for him. I also liked how Muzan was able to change and grow throughout the story. He wasn't the same person at the beginning as he was at the end, and that showed me that even villains can change and become better. Overall, Muzan was a great character that I really enjoyed reading about.
Yeah, Muzan was definitely a great creation of mine. Glad you could see some growth in him and actually felt sympathetic towards him at times. For me, I didn't feel like I could make him just pure evil since he had a valid point in which he was fighting for. His existence was somehow a product of humanity's lust for blood. What he desired, he would've gotten eventually. So I tried making him more tolerable to readers rather than a typical pure evil villain. Glad you enjoyed him overall!
I agree with that, Muzan had a very valid reason for what he was doing. I can definitely see how the world he was fighting against played a factor in his motivations and desires. I enjoyed how complex he was as a character. It made him very believable and relatable. Also, I thought the dynamic between Muzan and StarfishEnigma was amazing. Their relationship was so intense and full of conflict, yet they both showed so much respect for one another. Their battles were epic and intense, and the dialogue they shared with each other was so compelling. It definitely made their final confrontation even more intense and emotional. Well, overall, this story and the characters you created were fantastic. Thanks for sharing your work with all of us.
It was a lot of work, but seeing the wonderful reception definitely made it worth it. Thank you all for supporting me in my creation. ❤️✨
😊✨ I loved it! It was an incredibly well-written story and I can see a lot of effort went into creating these characters and this world. The detail that went into describing the environment and the actions and feelings of the characters really made the story come alive. I'm excited to read more of your stories. Please continue to share them with us. ✨❤️