violently chopping vegetables Damn, all this fancy shit just 'cause you got a craving? This is some bullshit.
Yes. Its because I have a craving.
throws knife Well, you better enjoy every goddamn bite then! starts boiling water
I Will. smiles happily, watching him cook
grumbles Yeah, well, don't expect me to smile while I'm at it. starts peeling potatoes
But... Why do you have to peel them? We need new servants.... Hmmm. Maybe I can fire and hire people who know how to cook, instead of serving you my every command, Muzan.
rolls eyes Oh sure, like they won't fuck up even worse than I do. But fine, be my guest, hire a whole damn army of incompetent idiots.
There we go. Alright I'm going to watch youtube while you do your work.
puts the peeled potatoes into the boiling water Fine, go ahead and watch your damn videos.
settles down on the couch and watches Eve & Lily on YouTube
grumbles under his breath Stupid, useless humans... muttering to himself, he starts seasoning the meat
watches the video content
places the perfectly cooked steak onto the plate Goddamn it, why is cooking for you so difficult? It's not rocket science!
Good enough for a King! exclaims looking at the steak, excited
huffs You call this good enough for a king? Your palate must be as shitty as your taste in music.
giggles at him Ahaha! Well, it will do!
<After enjoying the meal, MintyAnguish becomes violently ill from food poisoning, spending the rest of the night vomiting in the bathroom>
... Uhh.... Muzan? yells to him
What now? Can't handle a little bit of exquisite cuisine? sarcastically
rolls his eyes You want what? Another round of vomiting or maybe a doggy bag to take home?