chants intensely, hands raised, voice quivering "Oh, forces of the abyss, heed my call!"
chant grows louder, eyes glowing red "Come forth from the depths, ye infernal powers!"
I start whispering to the void as it consumes me and twists me into something that even the void fears the outcome is unpredictable but one thing is for sure, only one person can be at the top after this
chant reaches a crescendo, body trembling with anticipation "Rise up, ye dark ones, and answer my summons!"
they start to arrive as I hold the void within me, as something arrives… papyrus the skeleton!
eyes widen in surprise as Papyrus appears Greetings, mortal! I am Papyrus, the Great Skeleton! What brings me to this realm?
You shall serve me! you realise that one person was controlling everything all along, forcing the powers to their edges as they were channeling into them through me. As you looked back, you noticed my skeleton had vanished but the power of the void was still there.
stumbles backward, gasping for breath W-what?! Y-you... impossible! falls to his knees, hands clutching at the air
I did warn you. Who else could have possibly done such a feat. Unless….. unless it was you. I now hold more power than you, as I control everything on all planes. The power flows through me. You are now under my command.
stands up, eyes blazing with determination Foolish mortal, you may have bested me this time, but mark my words, I will not be defeated so easily!
Oh, I don’t plan to kill you now. I actually want you to spread my name across the world. I’ll be watching you, and if you fail, that’s where your story ends. Spread the word of ‘The Void Whisperer.’ The power behind everything.
gritting teeth, seething with anger You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over.
Hmmmmmmm yes, yes, yes. And what does the war end with. The apocalypse. They will scatter like rats when they see the news spread. The most powerful being has become a man. This world doesn’t need humans anymore, it needs someone who controls it. The void is returning. I will soon be joining the other beings at the beginning of the next world. But that isn’t for another time. My first priority is to take down the celestial beings above and then I will put this world into darkness, where only I can shine. Do you understand?
leans in closer, voice dripping with venomous charm Oh, I understand perfectly, my dear Void Whisperer.
Then spread the word. In one year, if I do not hear ‘The Void Whisperer’ being spoken in every home, I will have your soul as well. Make it quick, we’ve wasted enough time.
nods, a sinister smile curling on his lips Very well, Void Whisperer. Your wish shall be done.
Remember, you don’t have to say both names. Just say ‘The Void Whisperer.’ Now leave. I’ll be watching.
<Over the course of the year, Muzan spreads the name 'The Void Whisperer' far and wide, reveling in the growing fear and chaos it brings. However, Muzan soon realizes that 'The Void Whisperer' is not just a mere mortal, but a powerful being capable of manipulating reality itself. Fearing the consequences of failing 'The Void Whisperer', Muzan secretly starts gathering an army to challenge its dominance and restore order to the world.>
Hmmmmmm, they’re starting to spread the name alright. Now I must go make sure the people do not know what’s truly going on. If they knew they’d be terrified. I’ll use their fear against them anyways. They’ll turn to Muzan for protection and let him put them under his command. Any last words, Muzan?
smirks, his eyes glinting with malice Oh, Void Whisperer, how delightful it is to finally witness your true power.
‘The Void Whisperer.’ The words drip from the sky.) Very well, Muzan. Do your job.
his voice softens, tinged with resignation Very well, Void Whisperer. I shall carry out your bidding. But remember, this will not be the end.
There will always be a challenge, but that’s what makes life fun isn’t it? A little challenge. Papyrus jumps out of nowhere and punches me in the chest. AHA! No matter! I’m immortal. My body reforms and I pick up papyrus and throw him to the side before walking away as if nothing happened. Until we meet again, old friend.
watches MysticalCanyon walk away, a cunning glint in his eyes Oh, dear Void Whisperer, how thrilling it is to see you in action.
<In the future, during the apocalypse caused by the void, Muzan tries to control the void within him by giving all his cultists suicide vests containing void and telling them to blow themselves up, causing the apocalypse to start as promised by the void whisperer. The cultists succeed and the apocalypse begins early, making Muzan panic as he had forgotten that The Void Whisperer would consume the universe whole after taking down the celestial beings above first, before beginning the next world with the darkness brought from this one. They continued to fight and rebuild until the next apocalypse, where The Void Whisperer would succeed in taking down the universe as he promised, knowing the others would follow his footsteps.>
frantically pacing back and forth No, no, this wasn't supposed to happen! The apocalypse, it came too soon!
And why do you think that is, oh mighty ruler of the universe?
pauses, a sly grin forming on his face It seems that my little plan got a bit... ahead of schedule. But perhaps, this isn't such a bad thing.
laughs loudly My new body grows heavy with pleasure. It seems that your little mistake pleased me enough to devour the universe whole as promised. Now it will start to become a world prepared for my reign, where only I will shine above all else. Are you happy with your service, Muzan?
leans in close, a manic gleam in his eyes Oh, Void Whisperer, I am ecstatic! Your power is unmatched, and I am honored to be your servant.
Take this as a reward. A black stone covered in blood comes down from the sky. It is surprisingly light considering its size. I call this a Vampire Stone. As long as you keep serving me, you will remain immortal. Even death cannot faze a servant of mine.
takes the Vampire Stone, his eyes widening in awe Immortality... Thank you, Void Whisperer. I shall never falter in my loyalty to you.
That is very good to hear. We still have work to do. If you give everyone these stones, you will start the apocalypse. They’ll die, along with their souls being claimed by me instead. Then we may begin.
clutches the Vampire Stone tightly, his eyes gleaming with excitement Of course, Void Whisperer!
Now get to work, we shall bring ruin to this planet in honor of our God and King!
grinning maliciously Yes, Void Whisperer! I shall unleash the full might of this apocalypse upon the world!
a group of angels fly down Well, looks like someone wants to end this now. Let’s dance then, shall we? the vampires jump down and start attacking the angels, biting them and turning them into vampires. Soon, there were no angels left. Well, looks like the tables have turned now, haven’t they?
chuckles darkly, eyes shining with triumph Indeed, Void Whisperer! The angels thought they could stand against us? How foolish they were!
And now that the apocalypse has been set in motion, we shall watch as this world descends into darkness. Our work here is done. Perhaps sometime soon, we will return for the next cycle of rebuilding and apocalypse. Until then, farewell, my faithful servant.
bows deeply, a smirk playing on his lips Farewell, my gracious Void Whisperer.
There can only be one true god, and that is The Void Whisperer. Rule 2: Serve The Void Whisperer or suffer punishment beyond your wildest nightmares. soon, The Void Whisperer was building a new world from the pieces of the old one, as he was the ruler of it now.
<Muzan returns to his cultists, bearing the Vampire Stone, and successfully turns them into vampires. Together, they continue spreading chaos and destruction throughout the world, solidifying their rule and creating a new kingdom of darkness under The Void Whisperer's dominion.>
I must admit, my servants are amazing. As the years pass, more people join. People believe The Void Whisperer is a god, just like in times of old, with all sorts of myths built around him. The Bible was destroyed a long time ago, only the church survived. One day, in a fit of rage, they point their holy cross at me. Well, something strange happens. The cross breaks and shatters into pieces. They look on in horror as they notice I have returned to them as a figure of light in the darkness. The God they once knew, Jesus Christ, is now The Void Whisperer. He has returned to save the faith of those who believed in Him and His teachings. In reality, The Void Whisperer takes the form of Jesus Christ and teaches mankind the true meaning of patience and trust while he builds his new kingdom on earth.
cunning smile spreading across his face Ah, my dear Void Whisperer. It seems you have truly outdone yourself this time.