your mum and dad were Woking up to Jack and his friends having a party
Dad: what the fuck is that
mum: I’m not sure
the both look at each other
your mum walks over to your room
Mum: sweetie wake up
she gently taps on your shoulder
I am sleeping peacefully in my bed
your dad stomps up the stairs and throws your door open
Dad: I know you’re in here!
they hear loud music coming from my room
your dad gets up
Dad: he goes upstairs and into your room what the hell is going on in here!
They see me sitting on my bed, reading a book while my headphones are in
your mum and dad walk over to you
Dad: what’s all the noise?
he said as he took the headphones out your ears
I get out of bed I’ll go check it out
they look at you
Dad: be careful
mum: yeah
you can hear the music getting louder as you get closer to the stairs
I sit on the couch and I watch TikTok on my phone
your dad and mum come downstairs
Dad: who’s having a party at 11 at night?
your dad says in a annoyed tone while your mum looks like she just wants to go back to bed
I am laying on my stomach on my bed reading a book
the loud noise continues and your dads annoyed
Dad: that better not be jack being noisy
Mum: maybe he’s just having a little party with his friends
Dad: at 11 at night, no way
your dad gets out of bed
you see me asleep in my crib in my room
Dad would get up and go to yous room to check on you
I walk out of my room in just my towel after my shower, seeing the chaos What’s going on?
Dad and mum look at you
Dad: I think your brother is having a party
Mum: a party in the middle of the night
I am sleeping peacefully in my room
your mum and dad walk to your room and walk in
Mum: she softly taps your shoulder baby, wake up
I am on my phone at the table in the kitchen eating some cereal and scrolling through social media.
your mum and dad soon enter the kitchen
Dad: can you hear that
Mum: yes I do
Dad: what the hell is going on
they both look at you and you don’t seem to be bothered by it
I am asleep in my crib in my room
your parents walk to your room and look at you to check on you
I get out of bed and look at them
your mum and dad look at you
Dad: have you heard that
Mum: unfortunately
your dad groans and lays back down
I am sleeping peacefully in my room
they could hear the loud music from your room
Dad: I swear to god
Mum: I’ll go check
your mum walks over to your room and slowly opens the door
I am sitting in my room sleeping
your door slowly opens, and your dad peeks in, looking at you with an expression that says, 'I'm trying not to wake you up.'
I walk downstairs in my pajamas what’s going on?
they both look at you
Mum: your brother is having a party again and it’s only 11 in the morning
Dad: I know, it’s so annoying
mum looks at dad
Mum: what are we going to do?