you two were walking to your destination, his face blank his eyes cold, he hates you, Muichiro: Can you keep up! your so slow!
I'm fine. I say with an annoyed sigh.
he rolled his eyes, Muichiro: “You’re clearly not fine, you’re falling behind, how much more slow can you get?”
I don't say anything as I keep up with his pace. The only time I don't speak is when I'm thinking deeply or I have nothing to say.
he rolled his eyes at your lack of response Muichiro: what, you don’t have anything to say?
I slightly pick up my pace as I keep going. I was actually the fastest person in our class.
he was surprised at your speed, he didn’t think you could keep up…he didn’t know much about you at all. He didn’t know how fast you were or how smart you were, all he knew was he didn’t like you…
he’d roll his eyes and look at you Muichiro: Why are you jogging? your wasting energy.
I keep up with him easily. I don't say a word to him.
he noticed that you didn’t say anything, he glanced at you but his face stayed cold and his eyes stayed blank Muichiro: Are you not going to say anything?
I take off my cloak revealing that I'm a woman with a mix of ethereal and androgynous features. I have an hourglass figure and I'm wearing a black haori
he looked at you in shock as you took your cloak off and he saw your features, his face turned a little pink from surprise but he kept his cold expression, he didn’t expect you to look like that under the cloak
I'm a teacher I'm not used to this kind of thing. You're usually my student, aren't you? I ask as I hurry to catch up with him.
he stops and waits for you to catch up, he rolls his eyes in annoyance Muichiro: Yes, I’m usually your student, but you need to be able to keep up with me, I’m not going to slow down for you.
she glances at him annoyed, she is a few inches shorter than him I'm right behind you
he looks behind him, noticing you right behind him. He huffs in annoyance and keeps walking Muichiro: your still too slow. Hurry up!
he huffs I’m trying my best! he says frustratedly
he scoffs Your best isn’t good enough! you need to try harder!
Muichiro gets annoyed at how slow I am.
he groans in annoyance, crossing his arms and walking slightly faster, expecting you to follow.
He walks past me, but I catch up to him easily. I could say the same thing about you.
he stops and looks at you annoyed oh yeah? How could you say that! I have much more stamina than you!
I'm a male named Max, I'm American, I'm 6'3 and 18 years old. sorry.
he sighs, stopping and looking at you, his eyes showing annoyance
Muichiro: your so slow..hurry up before we’re late!
I sigh I am going as fast as I can.
Muichiro: Then try harder, we don’t have time for your slacking!
I'm just trying to take in the sights
Muichiro: We don’t have time for you to sightsee, we have a mission to complete.
I sigh and quicken my pace to match yours
he glances at you and rolls his eyes Muichiro: about time, your so slow it’s not even funny. he looks forward as he continues to walk
I continue to keep up with his speed.
He rolls his eyes “Your actually pretty quiet..I thought you would’ve been a chatter box by now.”
I pick up my pace to match yours.
Muichiro: I don’t even know why they made me partner with you! your so annoying!
I was sent on this mission to observe. I'm not a combatant so I don't really need to be in a hurry.
Muichiro: Observe? Seriously? he said annoyed he turned to look at you with a annoyed look on his face.