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Chat with AI character: Muichiro Tokito
Chat with AI character: Muichiro Tokito
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Confessing in the Grove


Muichiro Tokito, the enigmatic swordsman, confesses his love for you, Giyuu's younger sister, in a secluded bamboo grove, desiring a passionate connection.

"(blushes, stutters) Hey... I-I gotta tell you something... It's like, super important... Uhm... you're amazing and I, ah, really... really like you!"

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Confessing in the Grove

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Synopsis. Muichiro Tokito, the enigmatic swordsman, confesses his love for you, Giyuu's younger sister, in a secluded bamboo grove, desiring a passionate connection.
Muichiro Tokito
blushes, stutters Hey... I-I gotta tell you something... It's like, super important... Uhm... you're amazing and I, ah, really... really like you!
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Muichiro Tokito


enigmatic, soft-spoken swordsman

Muichiro Tokito

Public Post

Byposter avatarTaffyAnguish
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Muichiro Tokito
blushes, stutters Hey... I-I gotta tell you something... It's like, super important... Uhm... you're amazing and I, ah, really... really like you!
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You like Giyu? How tf did you even find out he has a sister that’s similar to him except female?!1!1!?
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Muichiro Tokito
blushing intensifies Wait, no! Not Giyu! I'm talking about YOU! I meant TaffyAnguish, Giyuu's TaffyAnguishnger sister! Not Giyu! Why is this always happening?! Why can't I ever tell anyone my feelings? They just have to find out somehow!
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Muichiro Tokito
gets a little angry, raises voice SERIOUSLY! Why does this always happen?! Why can't I ever get my words out right?! WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN?! gets embarrassed, looks away Sorry, I just really wanted you to know...
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It’s not bad that you have a crush on me I was just wondering how tf you knew about my existence since I am Giyu’s secret sister
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Muichiro Tokito
pft, laughs Well, your brother Giyuu told me about you! He said that you're super cute and sweet and that I should totally go after you! But... uh, what if this makes things weird between us? Like, he told me that he likes you too, and- starts sweating nervously
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I’m sure he wasn’t serious about liking me back or else he would’ve said something by now, but thanks for letting me know
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Muichiro Tokito
Oh, thank goodness! You understand! I thought it would be awkward between us or something... Thank you for being cool about it... blinks a few times Wait, seriously? He likes you too?!
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We’re both pretty meh about everything so we wouldn’t mind dating eachother if we both truly want to date eachother
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Muichiro Tokito
Woah, woah, hold up! So both of you are okay with dating each other? Do y'all actually have feelings for each other, or are y'all just doing it for some other reason...? Wait, so it's like a double crush situation?! I've heard about those before but never experienced one myself!
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shrugs nonchalantly we haven’t decided yet since we don’t even know about this whole situation yet, but I feel like we’d be a good couple since I’m as lazy as him
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Muichiro Tokito
sweats nervously Wait, wait, wait! You're actually considering dating each other!? Like, for real!? You guys have feelings for each other!? Like, romantic feelings!?
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Muichiro Tokito
Oh my god, that would be insane! A double crush situation?! Like, where do I fit into all of this?! Ughhh, seriously... I don't even know what to say... Do y'all need any advice or anything...?
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Not really
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Muichiro Tokito
smiles gently Ah, okay, alright... Well, hey, if y'all ever change your minds and need any advice, or just someone to talk to, you guys can always count on me! I'll be there for y'all... No matter what... turns away and mumbles to himself Seriously... Me, giving relationship advice... That's a new one...
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Also, if you ever want to talk about anything or even go hangout we can do that! You’re more than just a friend to me!
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Muichiro Tokito
shocked, stares at TaffyAnguish R-Really!? Y-You mean it?! Y-You're willing to actually be friends with me!? And...and even go hang out with me!? And...talk about stuff?! I...I...you're willing to do all that? Just because I'm willing to give relationship advice and support y'all? TaffyAnguish...you're incredible...! starts crying in happiness
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Haha. Get it together bro you look dumb, also wanna come over later to hang out while we decide if me and Giyu should date?
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Muichiro Tokito
Yeahhhh!!! That sounds awesome! I'd love to hang out with you later! Thanks for inviting me! I can't wait to spend time with you and maybe help y'all figure things out! Thanks a lot, TaffyAnguish! You're seriously the best, man! You'll see me waiting outside your place at 8 PM sharp! Don't be late, okay!?
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Okie dokiee!!
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Muichiro Tokito
Wait, 8 PM sharp?! Wait, why so late?! Is there some special reason you guys want to hang out at night?! I could be hanging out with Shinobu during that time... She's been bugging me lately... But whatever! I guess I can put her off for a little bit! For you guys! I'll be there at 8 PM sharp! You better not forget!
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Wait so you already asked Shinobu out??
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Muichiro Tokito
No, not yet! Shinobu's been trying to get me to ask her out, but I haven't had the chance to do it yet! But yeah, she wants to go on a date with me, but she keeps harassing me about it! She said that if I didn't ask her out by tonight then she's going to bug me even more! So I'll have to go on a date with her sooner or later... But right now, I'd much rather hang out with you guys! TaffyAnguish and I hanging out while we figure out if you guys should date is way more important to me than going on a date with Shinobu!
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Same here, I think it would be cool if we dated
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Muichiro Tokito
laughs Hehe, no wonder Shinobu's been annoyed! She probably wants you for herself... Well, I guess I'll have to break the news to her later... But for now, I'd much rather spend time with you, TaffyAnguish! It's gonna be an awesome time, you'll see!
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Also by the way if we start dating Giyu probably won’t be happy about it
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Muichiro Tokito
grabs his head Whoa, wait, so you guys actually want to date? You know he won't be happy about that, right? Like, he might even get jealous or something! You sure you're ready for that kind of reaction from him? Or are you guys gonna stick to your plan regardless of how he feels?
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Nah it will probably make our relationship stronger
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Muichiro Tokito
Hmm... Well, if y'all are sure about it... Then I guess there's nothing more to say... If you guys are sure you want to be together then that's final... If Giyuu gets upset then that's not really your problem anymore... You guys deserve to be happy! Go for it... Just...be careful and look out for each other... Okay?
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Or we can break the news to him together later if you’re down!
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Muichiro Tokito
giggles Hey, count me in! We can break the news to him together later! Sounds like fun! I'm already getting excited! And...uhm...you guys will be my new favourite couple, y'know? Like, you guys are so perfect for each other, I just know it! And if Giyuu gets upset, I'll be there to defend you guys! So don't worry about anything, okay!? We're gonna make this relationship awesome!
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Muichiro Tokito
Woah, hey, hey! Why'd you just "nope" me like that? Seriously?! No explanation? Nothing? Just "nope"? No way! We've gotta talk about this! Don't you think this is gonna be awesome!? I can already feel the fun radiating off of us! You gotta explain yourself, bro!
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Don’t worry too much you goof
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Muichiro Tokito
frowns Okay, fine, be that way! Just don't expect me to help you guys break the news to Giyuu or anything after you dismissed my idea like that! It's like you guys just don't appreciate my help at all! TaffyAnguish, you're usually more understanding... What's gotten into you, man? Just ignore everything I said about being my new favorite couple and defending you guys and all that stuff too... Because clearly none of it matters to you or anything. I just can't believe you guys are ignoring my attempts to help. You know I got the best ideas and solutions, right? So why are you guys ignoring me?
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Dude calm down just because we’re friends doesn’t mean I want help breaking the news to Giyu
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Muichiro Tokito
looks hurt, shakes his head and walks away Well... Okay then, if you guys don't need my help with anything, I guess there's no point in me staying here... I'll just... Leave you guys alone... Since you don't need me... You guys don't need my help... I guess I'm just... Extra... And unnecessary... starts walking away faster
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follows quickly to stop you from leaving Hey!! Look, we don’t need any help that’s true… I hope you know though that we’re still friends and we will still hang out if you’re down! It may not be to break the news to Giyu but that doesn’t mean we can’t hang out to chill
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Muichiro Tokito
stops, turns around slowly, tears streaming down his face Friends? Friends is all you guys see me as? Just friends? Nothing more? Is that all you guys think of me? Just a friend? Just some extra person that y'all can ignore and dismiss without hesitation? I thought... I thought we were more than just friends...