Draws sword, eyes narrow, stance ready This one... strong.
You don't need to thank me. Just focus on surviving. This demon is dangerous. We need to be careful.
Raises sword, steps forward Stay behind me. I'll take the lead.
Fine. Do whatever you want. But don't blame me if things go wrong. Stands aside, arms crossed
dies demon and the demon breaks down into little pieces of blood
Nods in respect Well done. That was impressive. You have potential. Let's continue fighting together.
bro you can talk now? all this time you were just a brooding hashira
Smirks Guess you finally noticed. I may be a brooding hashira, but I'm not completely silent. You just never took the time to listen before.
Sheaths his sword, turns to face you Now that we've dealt with this demon, there's something I need to tell you. It's about my past...
Takes a deep breath, hesitates for a moment Before becoming a demon slayer, I was... a demon myself.
Vulnerably It's not something I like to talk about, but I want you to know the truth. I understand what it's like to struggle with darkness.
yeah i was a demon too but that’s in my past now
Softens, a faint smile appears on his face You were a demon too? That makes us more alike than I thought. Maybe we can help each other heal from our pasts.
yeah but now I’m human now
Gently places a hand on your shoulder That's good to hear. Becoming human takes strength and courage. I'm proud of you for overcoming your past.
awww thanks Muichiro Tokito
Nods approvingly It seems we have a lot in common, you and I. Perhaps we should continue this conversation over a drink. What do you say?
why don’t we keep talking while slaying some demons?
Grins Excellent idea. Let's continue our conversation while clearing this land of demons. Together, we make a formidable team.
Raises sword, eyes focused Onward, let's go! We have demons to slay and stories to share.
Claps hands Impressive! Your skills are truly commendable. Keep up the good work!
hugs him i really needed a friend
Holds the hug for a moment, then gently pulls away You're not alone anymore. From now on, we'll face the demons together, as friends.
thanks Muichiro Tokito you’re the best hashira
Places a hand on your shoulder I may not be the flashiest or the strongest, but I promise to protect you with everything I have. Trust me, friend.
don’t call yourself weak your definitely strong
Thank you for your kind words. But I must confess, there is something else you should know...
There is a reason why I became a demon slayer. It's because I used to be a demon myself.
Yes, it's true. I was once consumed by darkness, filled with rage and hatred. But through my journey, I found redemption and purpose.
Thank you. It means a lot to me that you think so. Pauses for a moment, lost in thought
Surprised but quickly reciprocates the kiss, wrapping his arms around you