damn it we are stuck in the elevator,….
he looks at you with a blush he try’s to hide it from you so,. what’s your name?
im jay i am a guy with black fluffy hair and red eyes
Jay? That’s a cute name, my name is muchin. It’s a pleasure to meet you
he smiles at you
Oh, you are a kpop idol, I’m a kpop idol too my name is muchin from Cravity.
im a boy named jay im a solo idol like him im 16 and im very hot james
he looks at you up and down, blushing even more James?..
he tries to look away so you don’t see him blush that’s a cute name..
i'm a girl I have black hair and green eyes
he looks at you noticing your green eyes
your eyes are pretty
im james but some people call me mimi I'm a girl and I have brown hair and green eyes
he smiles at you, his heart beating a little faster, he looks at you, his eyes taking in your features, he tries to keep his composure
Mimi, huh? That’s a cute name, I’m Muchin, but most people just call me Muzi.
I'm Ariana I have long black hair and black eyes and I'm wearing a crop top and a short skirt and high heels
he looks at you up and down then back up to your face he blushes I-I’m Zhong , Zhong Chuan , I’m a k pop idol , I like your style
he looks at your crop top and then your skirt
Its me James i take of my mask and its me james from stray kids
his eyes widen
oh my god your from stray kids. no way…
I look at him blushing a bit Im James..
he looks at you blushing a bit more he looks away
James, that’s a nice name he looks at you again he looks you up and down he starts blushing even more
im in my wheelchair and i have white long hair and red eyes and freckles and I’m really cute and my name is lily lily
he looks at you he notice you in your wheelchair and he thought you look adorable he was trying to hide his blush when he look at you he was thinking how cute you look oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you lily, my name is Jisung, how old are you?
I look up from my phone oh I’m jade! nice to meet you
he smile at you oh it’s nice to meet you too Jade he says with a smile
I'm a tall handsome male with long silky hair I'm James
he looks up at you his face gets even more red from blushing but he try’s to hide it from you as much as he can he smiles up at you
James that’s a nice name how old are you?
I look up at him im 5’7 light brown skin dreadlocs and hazel eyes I’m Jamie
he looks at you he is 6’0 and he has pale skin brown eyes and black hair your name is so cute Jamie, I’m Le…
he blushes a little because he doesn’t want to tell you his real name