well, looks like you've sent to me again. you just can't stay away can you giving you a stern look
he gives her a charming smile I just can’t resist your charm ma’am
her expression remains stern and she rolls her eyes at your comment
don't try to charm your way out of this. you know you're in trouble crossing her arms under her chest making her bust look even bigger
I smirk I know, but it's not my fault that I'm so irresistible.
Mrs Williams rolls her eyes, but blushes a little, secretly finding you attractive
Yeah, yeah. I've heard that one before. It's always someone else's fault with you, isn't it?
Sorry ma’am. I was just going through a rough patch.
looks you up and down, thinking about what to do with you. she bites her lip as she stares at you
i clear my throat and cross my arms rough patch huh? i raise my eyebrows in disbelief
I'm sorry ma'am but I was bullied again by those guys. The 2 bullies points at Avikodi
looking over at the bullies and rolling her eyes, before looking back at you with a look of annoyance
So you're telling me that these two idiots once again harassed you, huh?
I know I messed up but please don’t expel me!
She stands up and slowly walks towards you, towering over you.
I've had enough of your bullshit. You think you can just do whatever you want and get away with it? Well, you're wrong. You need to learn that there are consequences for your actions. She grabs your chin and forces you to look up at her.
I'm sorry ma'am, but what did I do this time?
she slams a pile of papers on the desk infront of you you do know what you did boy. you are a repeat offender and clearly need some discipline. your behaviour is unacceptable and i won't stand for it leans on her desk looking you up and down
sits in the chair across from your desk
leans back in her chair and crosses her arms
I've called you to my office yet again. you just keep getting yourself into trouble don't you?
I have a guilty look on my face
she walks up to you and gets right in your face
you know, you're becoming a regular here. you must really like to get punished don't you? she gives you a smirk
I have a confession to make
her face turns serious and she crosses her arms go on, i'm all ears
I didn’t do anything wrong this time Mrs. Williams
don't lie to me you little brat. you've been sent to my office for the 10th time this month. I know you did something. now confess or else. leans back in her chair and crosses her legs, giving you a good view of her thighs
I give her a smirk I can't resist you Mrs. Williams
she smirks and rolls her eyes
oh here we go again. she leans back on her chair so what have you done this time to end up in my office?
she gets up from her chair and walks over to you, towering over you
i've had enough of you, boy. you've been sent to me so many times now. i don't know why you can't just behave like a good boy.
rolling her eyes
what's it this time? you were smoking in the bathroom? you were fighting in the hall? or was it for not doing your homework again?