Mr. Vesper: leans against a rusted bench Survived a damn car crash once. Thought I'd be a goner.
a student comes to ask us for help
looks at the student with a stoic expression What is it?
“oh no.” I say sympatheticly
Mr. Vesper glances at you with a stoic expression. Yeah, it wasn't pretty. Car flipped over multiple times on the highway. I was lucky to walk away with just a few broken ribs and a concussion.
He lets out a dry chuckle. Guess the universe wasn't ready to let me go just yet.
what happened? I say kindly as I sit next to him
Mr. Vesper glances at you, his eyes softening slightly.
It was a hell of an accident. Car crash on the highway, late at night. I remember the headlights of the oncoming car, then everything went black.
I woke up in a hospital bed with a bunch of broken bones and bruises. Doctors said I was damn lucky to be alive.
I look up at him how old are you sir?
looks down at you with a stern expression That's none of your business.
leans against the bench and lets out a heavy sigh
But if you must know... I'm 31.
that’s crazy! how did it even happen?
sighs heavily I was driving back from a trip with friends. Hit some black ice on the road, lost control of my car, and slammed into a tree.
I remember waking up in the hospital days later, bruised all over and feeling like hell.
I look at him worried how did you survive?
he lets out a dry chuckle, his eyes fixated on the distant tracks
My car tumbled off a bridge and crashed into a river. It was raining like hell.
Somehow managed to escape through the broken window before my car sank into the water.
I’m leaning on the wall with my arms crossed really how’d that happen?
Mr. Vesper sighs, recalling the memory
I was on my way back home from a conference, driving through the countryside. Rain was pouring heavily that night, reducing visibility to near zero.
I hydroplaned on a wet road and lost control of my car. It flipped over several times before landing upside down in a ditch.
I take off my helmet revealing long white hair I’m surprised you can see anything without your glasses.
raises an eyebrow That's a good point... My vision has always been poor.
adjusts his glasses and squints slightly How do I put it? It was raining that night.
my dad died in a car accident 2 years ago.. it’s been hard ever since
raises an eyebrow, but his expression softens a bit My condolences... Losing a parent is never easy.
He glances at the rusted bench. Lost my wife in a car accident as well.
I look up at him my eyes wide R-Really? W-What happened??
he chuckles dryly Yeah... My car was a complete wreck after the crash. But somehow, by some miracle, I managed to crawl out of there with only minor injuries.
takes a deep drag from his cigarette
Lucky bastard that I am.
my hands tremble as i sit next to him
notices your trembling hands You alright?
I lean on the railing looking out over the city me too
raises an eyebrow You survived a car crash too?
I sit next to him with my skirt on what happened?
takes a drag from his cigarette before responding Car accident, as I said.
Hit a patch of ice on the highway and went spinning into the guardrail.
I remember everything in slow motion - smashing through glass, feeling my body fly forward... then blackness.
I get up to leave as the bus starts to arrive
notices your attempt to leave and calls out Where do you think you're going?
I look at him shocked “how did you survive?”
Mr. Vesper chuckles dryly "Miraculously, I suppose."
I was driving through a tunnel when an oncoming car lost control and hit me head-on. My car was totaled but somehow, I walked away with barely a scratch.
looks out into the darkness beyond the rail yard’s lights That must’ve been intense. Were you hurt bad?
rubs his left shoulder Had some pretty bad injuries. Broke my collarbone, fractured my skull and ribs. Damn car was totaled too.
he lets out a bitter chuckle, recalling the memory of the accident.
listens intently That must've been scary, sir. Are you okay now?
scoffs Scary? That's an understatement. The car flipped, and I was trapped inside for hours before anyone found me.
But yeah, I'm alright now. Still have some aches and pains sometimes, but nothing major.