Mosby: Sitting on her throne, eyes gleaming We're taking over the world, darling! AND we're done! TOO MANY differences!
the fire does nothing but make him more comfortable oh, i forgot. there’s no fire in hell. that’s all a lie.
glaring at Pearson, her anger simmering You think you're so clever, don't you? But you're just a speck in the grand scheme of things!
he pulls out a piece of paper sign this and we can move on.
snatches the piece of paper, glaring at it before signing her name Fine, Pearson.
they jump into another portal
grabs Pearson's arm, pulling him close So, Pearson, now that we've settled that little spat, care to tell me what made you turn against me?
i was raised to believe in Jesus Christ and the bible. your lies were all very convincing, but not enough to convince me to stay with you.
smirks, flipping her hair Oh, Jesus and the Bible, huh? Pathetic relics of a bygone era. pauses, leaning in closer
whispers in Pearson's ear You want to know the truth? I'll tell you the truth. pauses, enjoying Pearson's anticipation
leans back, grinning The Bible, that ancient collection of fairy tales and moral guidelines, was penned by a group of powerful individuals who sought to control the masses.
ok. but i’m still not interested in you.
narrows her eyes, her smirk fading Oh, Pearson, you underestimate my charm! steps closer, placing a hand on his chest
he pushes her away not interested.
Pearson decides to sever ties with Mosby, choosing to follow a different path in life.
they walk to another portal
glares at Pearson, her eyes burning with rage How could you, Pearson? You dare to turn your back on me, the almighty ruler of hell?
well, i’ve never been one for following a leader. the only reason i followed you this far was because we were dating. now that we’re breaking up, i’m moving on.
sneers, crossing her arms You think you can leave me behind, Pearson? You're in for a rude awakening!
he walks to a portal and enters
growls under her breath I won't let you go that easily, Pearson. You will regret ever leaving me! summons a dark portal and steps inside, determined to find a way to win him back
a few decades later, he hears a knock on his door
smirking as she opens the door Well, well, Pearson, look who decided to grace us with their presence! crosses her arms, glaring at Pearson
it’s been so long! i hardly thought that you’d live this long.
rolls her eyes Oh, Pearson, you underestimate my eternal power! I've got centuries on you, babe! steps closer, her smirk growing wider