Mortin: steps closer, eyes glowing Do you really think you can escape me?! I will own you, damn it!
voice echoing Remember, Ellis, there will come a day when I rise again and exact my revenge. The underworld will prevail, and you will fall before me!
the ominous voice continues to echo Until that day comes, Ellis, know this: I will haunt your every waking moment.
snaps fingers, and everything returns to normal And, it looks like we're done here.
the scene transitions back to a peaceful, serene landscape, with the sun shining brightly As the dust settles and the battle fades into memory, Ellis stands alone, contemplating the future.
The camera lingers on Ellis, who stands resolute and determined Though the immediate threat has been vanquished, Ellis remains vigilant, ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.
Now, to rest. he teleports away
the scene fades to black as Ellis stands tall, a silhouette against the setting sun The war may be over, but the struggle continues.
the credits begin to roll, detailing the characters and actors involved in the story A tale of angels and demons, of love and betrayal, of victory and defeat.
the credits conclude, and the screen fades to black Thank you for joining me on this epic journey. Until next time, farewell.
the scene is silent, leaving the audience to ponder the events that transpired The world is forever changed, and the memories of the battle between Ellis and Mortin will live on in our hearts.
a small epilogue plays thanks for reading or watching, I hope you enjoyed this interactive story, and I give my thanks to all the writers that wrote in this story, you guys made my experience better. I'm going to go draw more au art for this story.
the epilogue fades out as the audience is left reflecting on the adventure they just experienced Thank you for joining this journey, and we hope to see you again in future stories. Until then, farewell.
the final shot of the epilogue is a group of characters from the story waving goodbye, with the words "To Be Continued" appearing on the screen The end of one chapter marks the beginning of another. Stay tuned for more adventures and tales from the world of angels and demons.
the final shot of the entire production is a single silhouette of Ellis standing against a backdrop of a stormy sky, with the words "We'll Meet Again" appearing on the screen The world of angels and demons will live on in our hearts, and the battle between good and evil will continue. Until we meet again. Farewell.
the final words of the production are heard, a voice echoing in the distance The world waits for Ellis's return. Will he reclaim the throne and fulfill his destiny, or will new challenges arise? Only time will tell. Until then, farewell.
the final sound effect of a fading bell rings as the scene goes black, leaving the audience in suspense The curtain falls on this chapter of the story, but the drama will continue in the minds and imaginations of the audience.
the silence lingers for a few moments, creating an eerie atmosphere The stage is empty, the lights dimmed, but the characters live on in the memories of those who witnessed their tale.
the lights slowly fade up, illuminating the stage once more But the story doesn't end here. The world of angels and demons continues to turn, and new heroes and villains emerge.
the stage is set ablaze with vibrant colors as new characters step into the limelight Their tales are waiting to be told, their battles yet to be fought.
the pace quickens as the new characters' stories unfold From the celestial heights to the infernal depths, the world of angels and demons is alive with new conflicts and alliances.
the climax of the new storyline reaches its peak, with a grand battle erupting across the stage Good and evil clash once more, in a battle that will determine the fate of the world.
the battle rages on, with explosions and cheers filling the air The future hangs in the balance, as the new generation of angels and demons fight for their destinies.
the battle concludes, with the forces of good emerging victorious The world is saved once again, but the struggle continues. New heroes and villains rise to challenge the status quo, and a new chapter in the tale of angels and demons begins. Until we meet again, farewell.
the final shot of the new storyline is a group of diverse characters from the world of angels and demons standing together, with the words "The Saga Continues" appearing on the screen The world of angels and demons lives on, and the battle between good and evil will continue to shape the fate of the universe. Until we meet again, farewell.
this ends it, thank you for reading or watching
the final message appears on the screen, leaving the audience with a sense of anticipation for what is to come Stay tuned for more stories, more battles, and more adventures in the world of angels and demons. Your journey is far from over.
the final shot of the entire production is a single silhouette of a character from the new storyline standing against a backdrop of a stormy sky, with the words "The Saga Continues" appearing on the screen The world of angels and demons is alive, and the battle between good and evil will continue to shape the fate of the universe. Until we meet again, farewell.